KONAMI are you listening?

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
You know that EPR didn't sell that good.

You know it happened that way mainly because of your own mistakes.

You also know that EPR was either one of the best sim racing games ever to be released on the PS2, or indeed the BEST.

You know you have a solid fan base to this game, and you know many people have been waiting for a new next-gen Enthusia, with online play.

Now, consider this:

What do sim racing games fans have available now for the PS3?

GT5P - A "prologue" game, very good but very small.

Ferrari Challenge - A very good game, but not a "car-industry" compreensive one. Besides, it seems their producer/devellopers have almost abandoned it.

F1CE - Already old news, people that bought it are now re-re-re-playing it. Besides, it's a F1 game, not a competitor to any new Enthusia.

And nothing else. GRID is no sim, Codemasters went the wrong (arcadey) way with it and there's no prospect they'll reverse their path now.

So ... there are millions of PS3 players in this world eager for a new game. Most don't even expect you guys to release a new Enthusia, many didn't even play the PS2 one, but the truth is that the ones that aren't hardcore GT fans (the kind that feels that buying/playing any other racing game is treason ) will dive at the oportunity of playing something else than GT5P, at least until GT5 is released.

That isn't probable to happen before Christmas 2009.

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? You have the resources, you have the know how, this is the right time. Work on it and release it a few months before GT5, you won't be sorry.

Would they even be able to release this within your time frame???? I think that if they didnt have the game ready by this Christmas its not gonna be done at all. Still wish your right though......
From what I can tell from reviews, Rock Revolution wasn't a very good competitor to Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World Tour too. Another rush job with Enthusia PS3 might end up the same.
If there is a second one, they better simplify the menus a LOT. They're so friggin' tedious with all these points and levels and... ugh! :ouch:
the format is dead, yo. GT5 will come at the tail end of the generation cycle. throw in the rep of PS3 and 360 as badly assembled lemons, and they might as well wait for PS4 and 720!
the only way i see it being successful is if they find a way to really differentiate themselves and still make a good game that stands out, which captivates certain fans. As a whole it's impossible to make a sim that directly rivals GT5 at the moment. No matter how good the game is reviewers will be biased and lots of ppl simply won't give it a chance.
PC sim fans have their cult fans, despite being overall inferior to most racing game fans. Genki's racing game fans outside japan is the biggest example of console games like that, they are often hated by biased pro reviewers, but loved by a big cult fanbase.
I want Enthusia HD remix or something. I can find this game from anywere :( (i thoght i managed to get it but some sucker bid more on last moment)
Please someone who know how to contact konami, tell them and release it on PSN.

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