The Game Changer - Page 9: Finale

  • Thread starter Mat123
Parañaque, PH
Hey everyone! Welcome, and thanks for checking out my first GT6 story, titled 'The Game Changer'!

(Images are clickable, and will redirect to the specified page.)
New pages will be added every two or three days, prior to the previous page.


Just in case, I've come up with a few questions, for those curious.

So, what made you write this story?
- Well, since I'm currently on break, I decided to write a story to kill some time. Also, I get to be in touch with other fellow writers in this sub-forum.

Are you in any way an expert in writing?
- No, I am not. I write for fun, and that's that. I am in no way an expert in writing at all. It's all in good fun, and nothing serious. So, expect some cliches, and what-not. I promise you, it'll be entertaining, though.

Are you open to any crossovers with other stories?
- Regarding crossovers, I'm completely fine with it, so long as I'm informed beforehand. Crossovers without my permission are highly discouraged.

Anything else you would like to discourage?
- Yeah. Posting anything that offends any author on this sub-forum, not just myself. I'm not referring to criticism, since I highly encourage it.


"Your story sucks." (Don't.)
"Your story sucks, because..." (Much better!)

Once this story is finished, will there be another?
- I can't say, really. By the time this story's done, I'm probably busy by then. Writing, making arrangements for photo shoots, and editing are quite time consuming enough. Not to mention, managing other future plans, so I'm never too sure. With the right time, and the right ideas, something might happen.

Any additional questions will be answered, and posted here.

That's all for now! I hope you enjoy!
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Page 1: The Meet

(Background music: Mosh - Mcqueen)

Kanagawa Prefecture
12:00 AM

Headlights illuminate the road, as cars fill the mountain pass. A variety of vehicles are present, ranging from affordable lightly tuned cars,

to cars with a higher price tag, equipped with high-end modifications,

to those who show up just to stand out from the crowd.

As the night progressed, every inch of space has been increasingly occupied, as cars, coupled with spectators behind the guardrails gather around. Hours pass, and people have began to take notice of the sun rising, which prompts them to leave to avoid trouble.

However, while many have already left, one particular exhaust note can be heard from a distance.

Hitting the rev limiter, downshifts can be heard, as the car attacks the corners at full speed. What is this car in question?

A red Mazda RX-7 FD3S, with further inspection shows various modifications such as upgraded engine, a stripped out interior, and a stiffened suspension system.

Behind the wheel is a young 25 year old, Keito Akiyama. Despite his job as a software developer paying decently, roughly half of his income is spent on his car.

(Music ends)

Located at the top of the pass, another car can be found.

(Background music: The Meet - Brian Tyler)

A highly modified Honda NSX-R rests at the peak. Leaning on the car is a man dressed in a semi-formal attire, named
Matsu Tominaga. At the age of 30, he makes a living as a successful physician. Every day, before heading out to work, Matsu makes his way to the peak to admire the scenery. He crosses both his arms and legs, as the leaves of the nearby trees slowly fall to the ground.

He rolls up his sleeve, checking his watch. He decides it is time to leave, as he lets out a sigh, and enters the car. The NSX starts up, letting the V6 engine rumble, as it slowly leaves.

(Music ends)


A Tokyo residential area
12:00 PM

In a residential area nearby, Keito, in his RX-7, makes his way to one of the houses. He enters his home and boots up his computer. Found in his computer are his unfinished work files, and various programming applications. He opens one of them up, and finishes what may seem like a never-ending stream of codes. As he works, he occasionally grabs whatever food he can get from his kitchen.

After finishing everything, he saves his work and sends it to his boss through e-mail. After which, he looks at the time, which surprises him.

"What?! 2 already?!" exclaimed Keito, as he decides to relieve himself from work.

Grabbing his set of keys, Keito shuts off his computer and everything else, as he walks towards the doorway. He get in his car and starts the engine.

“Okay. Let's head out."


Kanagawa Prefecture
4:00 AM

Unlike the other day, the mountain pass seems to be empty this time, which prompts Keito to push even more.

The car continues to blast through the roads, as the Rotary engine screams.

From corner to corner, the RX-7's chassis proves why it's hailed as one of Japan's best cornering machines, effortlessly carving through the corners.

Keito smiles, as he sees a bend approaching. He performs a heel-toe downshift as he enters the corner.

The car drifts, as it exits the corner, sending a smile to Keito's face.

Then, something catches his attention...

(Background music: Rapid Formation - Brian Tyler)

"What is that?" Keito asked himself, as the pair of headlights quickly approaches him.

As if his car had suddenly frozen in time, he is immediately overtaken by the mysterious car, which all happened within a blink of an eye.

Keito immediately recognizes the NSX driver.

"Matsu Tominaga... Rumor has it, you're said to be one of the fastest on this pass..." Keito remarks, as he closely observes the car ahead of him.

"Well, if that's the case, let's just see!!" Keito increases his pace as he challenges the NSX. He shifts to a lower gear, utilizing the engine's optimal powerband, allowing him to inch closer to his opponent.

However, little did he know, Matsu was only playing along.

As Keito battles his way through the corners, Matsu calmly steers with his right hand, while keeping his left hand on the shift knob, as he pulls away from the RX-7.

"I'll make my move on the next corner," Keito thought, as he planned his strategy. He tightens his grip on the steering wheel, preparing for attack.

As both cars approach the corner, Keito inches closer on his opponent. Suddenly...

Upon exiting, Keito oversteers, and the NSX immediately blasts away.

"H-how?!" Keito nervously asked, with his jaw slightly dropped, taken by surprise.

With the NSX now running at full speed, Matsu pulls away, effortlessly.

Keito desperately attempts to keep up, but to no avail. Not more than two corners later, the NSX has disappeared from his sight.

As a result, he loses his motivation to continue the chase, lifting his foot off the accelerator, returning to drive at a slow pace.

Keito was left in tremendous disbelief, after what had just happened. In humiliation, he feels the need to settle some unfinished business.

To be continued...


Author's notes

Well, there's the first page! I hope you guys liked it!

Throughout the rest of the story, I'll be using soundtracks from NFS: The Run quite often.

Special thanks to @KazaMR2 for playing as Keito in this page!

Matsu does not bare any resemblance to me, besides having a similar sounding name, just so you know.

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Page 2: Switch

Aizawa Performance Tuning Shop
11:00 AM

In a busy tuning shop located in Aoyama, several cars are scattered inside the premises, with everyone working on different cars. Pulling up in front of the shop is Keito's RX-7.

"Hey, boss, there's a car in front," an employee pointed out, as he continued to tinker with the engine of the car he's working on.

As Keito looks around the shop, a man who seems to be in his late 30's approaches him.

"Hi! How may I help you? I'm Rokuro Aizawa, the owner," the man enthusiastically greeted him, extending his arm out for a handshake.

"Well, I was wondering if I could have my RX-7 tuned. Looking at the cars here," shaking the man's hand, he briefly pauses, looking around again, "I think I've come to the right place."

"Good to know. Also, we offer lots of options for Rotary platforms. We can take your car in any time. Just let us know what you want."

Keito happily nods. Immediately, one of cars behind them catches his attention.

Keito walks around the R34, inspecting the car at every angle.

"You like it?" Rokuro asked, with both of his hands tucked in his pockets, as he stands in front of the car.

"It looks good. I've always wanted a GT-R... Is this one of your customer's cars?" Keito asked, walking around the car.

"Nope. This one's mine," Rokuro followed with a brief chuckle, getting his keys from his pocket.

"Allow me," Rokuro unlocked the door, and opens up the hood latch.

Keito lifts the hood, unveiling the R34's monstrous RB26DETT engine, which has gone through countless modifications. He drops his jaw upon seeing the engine.

Grinning from the sight of Keito's awe, Rokuro heads back to the front of the car.

"This car makes about 950 horsepower," Rokuro mentioned.

To further enlighten Keito, he follows up with a question every speed hunter would love to hear: "Wanna go for a ride?"

Keito silently continues to admire the engine, unable to arrange his thoughts.

After a brief moment of silence, his thoughts had finally kicked in.

"Wait, what?!"


Bayshore Route
2:00 AM

"WOAH!!!" Keito screamed, as he tightly held on to his seat, while the R34 powers through the expressway, passing countless of cars, here and there.

"LOOK OUT!!! CAR!!!" Keito warned Rokuro, seeing a car fast approaching.

Speeding at over 300 km/h, the R34 narrowly misses the car. Rokuro barely flinches.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Keito could not help holding his panic, as he continues screaming in the passenger seat.

Meanwhile, Rokuro continues to rocket through the Bayshore Route with the biggest smile on his face, further stirring up Keito's fright.

Upon entering the tunnel, Rokuro flips a toggle switch, located under his right hand. Once it had activated, a high pitched beep is emitted.

"What was that?!" Keito nervously asked, upon hearing the switch.

Suddenly, the R34 gains a massive burst of acceleration, allowing it to push out an excess of over 350 km/h in speed.

"AHHHHH!!! NO!!!" Keito screams, as his body is sucked into his seat.

Meanwhile, in one of the cars traveling in the tunnel, a family of three are inside.

As the father looks at his rearview mirror, he notices the R34 quickly approaching, as it merges on to the shoulder lane.

The R34 quickly passes them. However...

"AHHHHHH!!!" the sound of Keito's terror echoes through the tunnel.

"Daddy, what was that?" asked the little girl, seated at the back seat.

Apparently, it seems Keito's screams are even louder than those of a modified RB26 engine.


A Tokyo residential area
2:30 AM

Rokuro decides to drop off Keito at his home. They make their way to the residence area, pulling up in front of Keito's home.

"So, how was it?" asked Rokuro, looking at Keito, who is still in panic.

Keito, still holding on to his seat, is wide-eyed and speechless. Rokuro snaps his fingers in front of him, in an attempt to bring back his consciousness.

"Huh? Oh... well, it was like nothing I've ever experienced before... It's... insane," Keito lets out a deep breath, eventually coming back to his senses.

"Well, thanks for dropping me off," He steps down from the car and shuts the door.

"No problem. I'll let you know when the car's done," Rokuro leaves, as the R34's exhaust note leaves an echo through the neighborhood.

"God, that guy is crazy," Keito softly spoke, as he watches the R34 drive away.


Kanagawa Prefecture
10:50 PM

The following week, Keito is back at the mountain pass, evaluating the new changes to his car. Rokuro has tagged along to help with any further changes to the car.

"How is it?" Rokuro asked, with a laptop on his lap for taking down notes.

"Great! It corners a lot faster now, and I can drive more confidently," Keito ecstatically replied.

Keito grinned as he tackled the corners, downshifting on entry, then, as he turns in, he grips both hands on the wheel, tilting his head in coordination with his arms.

Keito lowers his pace, allowing the engine to rest for a bit. However, he catches a glimpse of another car's headlights in his rearview mirror.

"Could it be?..."

Ever since his humiliating defeat against Matsu, Keito regained his determination, and seeks to battle with the NSX yet again. But upon hearing the exhaust note of the car, his hopes of a second encounter are gone. Without realization, the car had already caught up right behind.

"Sounds like a four cylinder," said Keito, as he carefully listens to the car approaching.

Keito allows the car to catch up. As it approaches, the car is revealed to be a modified Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI.

"I hope you don't mind, Rokuro."

"Go for it."

Keito tightens his grip on both the wheel and the shift knob, as he pulls away from his opponent. However, the Evo seems to keep up just fine.

"Bring it on!!" Keito exclaims, as he regains his confidence. Will Keito be able to redeem himself from his last race?

To be continued...

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Page 3: Strike Two

Kanagawa Prefecture
11:00 PM

As the chase continues, both cars blitz down the mountain pass, inches away from each other.

"What do you think? How much power is that Evo making?" Keito asks, while quickly glancing at his rearview mirror.

"You can't really utilize the car's full power on these roads, so it's rather unclear. Although, I'd say it has about 10 or 20 more than the 360 horsepower you have right now."

"How'd you come up with that?"

"You both seem to be equal in acceleration. Knowing the Lancer platform, it probably has more weight, so it requires a bit of power to make up for that," Rokuro stated, based from his observation.

Despite driving the car with a new setup, Keito manages to adapt to it quickly, as he easily tackles the next corner.

"Alright, that's enough," Keito ignores his mirrors, keeping his eyes on the road.

Slowly, the RX-7 widens the gap from the Evo, after every corner.

"I'm pulling away," Keito pointed out, as he shifts through the gears.

Suddenly, the Evo slows down.

"Huh?" puzzled, Keito wondered why his opponent had come to a stop.

As they approach one of the parking areas, the Evo enters.

Intrigued, Keito follows. To his surprise, a rather attractive woman steps down from the car. Rokuro catches Keito, who's eyes are wide open.

"Huh. Who knew..." Rokuro remarked, while Keito parked alongside the Evo. Both men step down from the car and offer their help.

"Need any help?" Keito asked.

"Ah, yes please. Something seems to be wrong with the way the engine's running. I'm Reiko Matsumoto. Nice to meet you," the woman replied in a lighthearted manner.

"The boy's lucky I brought my tools. Trying to impress the lady. Heh," Rokuro thought to himself.

Minutes later, Rokuro manages to detect the problem.

"The pipes connecting the turbo and intercooler are loose," Rokuro notes, as he hovers his flashlight over the intercooler piping. "You can drop by my shop any time, and I'll have it sorted."

"Thank you so much! How much would that cost me?" Reiko happily acknowledges them for their help.

Immediately, Keito exclaims, "Hey! No need! We'll take care of it!", while he nervously chuckles, hiding his face as he blushes.

"Really? Thank you so much!! Before I go, may I know your name?"

"I'm Keito Akiyama."

"Keito... I'll remember that name."

As Reiko got in her car, she briefly waved goodbye to the two, who stood in the parking area as the Evo left.

"You know we both saw you blushing, right?" said Rokuro, grinning.

"Oh, shut up. Hmph," Keito defensively replied.

Rokuro chuckles a bit, and walks back to the car, "We better get going too."

They both enter the car. Upon starting the engine up, Rokuro offers a bit of advice.

"You should meet up with her again. I think tomorrow should do."

What makes you think that'll work?" perplexed, Keito asked.

"Trust me. I'm approaching my 40's. I've had my experiences. Don't let opportunities get past you," remarked the aging Rokuro.


Aoyama, Tokyo
11:00 AM

Following Rokuro's advice, Keito gathers the courage to meet up with Reiko, as they decide to meet at a high-class restaurant.

Upon entering the restaurant, Keito looks around. At the back of the room, he spots Reiko, happily waving at him.

"Sorry I'm late," Keito apologized, as nervously scratches the back of his head.

"Haha! It's fine, sit down, sit down!" Reiko replied in her usual cheerful behavior.

Keito smiles, as he takes a seat in front of Reiko.

"So... How are you?" Keito asked, awkwardly.

"Great! Um... you?"

"I'm good. Anyway, let's go get some food. I'm hungry, hahaha!"

Eventually, the awkwardness between them dissolves, as the conversation continues. Little did they know, that would be the first of many meetings they would have.


Kanagawa Prefecture
6:00 AM

Several weeks later, Matsu is spotted doing his daily routine. Despite the rain, Matsu is found leaning against his car, with his arms crossed. He looks over the mountain pass, watching the dark clouds rise above it, and rain drops fall to the ground.

This time, however, his peaceful routine is disrupted, as another car arrives. Matsu remains unfazed though, as he continues to admire the gloomy scenery.

"Huh, of all the places I thought I'd bump into you, this is the least I expected," remarked the unknown visitor.

"And who would you be?"

"I'm Keito Akiyama."

"Matsu Tominaga... Any reason you've come up here?" Matsu asked, still admiring the view.

"Not really. What're you doing out here in the rain? Anyhow, now that you've mentioned it, I was wondering... Do have some time for a quick run?" Keito asked, seeking a second chance at the NSX driver.

Finally, Matsu shifts directions, and looks the other way, realizing he has been talking to the RX-7 driver that he had faced a while back. Originally planning to reject the offer, he changes his mind as he nods his head.


(Background music: That is Impossible - Brian Tyler)

The second round of the NSX and FD3S battle has begun, with Keito leading, and Matsu following closely behind.

"I won't lose this time!" confidently, Keito exclaimed, as he grabs hold of the shift knob.

From behind, Matsu carefully observes the movements of his opponent, comparing it from their previous encounter.

"So, he's upgraded his car... It looks to be much tighter through the corners than before," Matsu formulated in his thought.

On the straights, the RX-7 manages to pull away from the NSX.

However, the NSX closes the gap after a few corners.

Keito aggressively shifts, as they enter a straightaway

"I'll make up in the straights!" yelled Keito, as he applies full throttle upon exiting the corner, pulling away from the NSX.

However, another corner approaches, allowing the NSX to close in again.

"Dammit! He's really closing in! He isn't giving me room!" Keito exclaimed, noticing Matsu just inches away from his rear bumper. Again.

Thanks to the NSX's cornering speed, both cars are neck and neck, screaming for more power and grip.

Now side by side, Keito briefly looks at Matsu, who remains composed, whereas he begins to feel the pressure.

"Shoot!" Keito panicked momentarily, losing his focus as they approach the corner...

His mistake allowed Matsu to sneak up on him, who takes the lead.

"I still have a chance... I know where the rest of the straights are," he quietly spoke to himself with optimism, as he began planning his next move.

"You're not too bad... However..." Matsu reserves the rest of his sentence, as he resumes watching Keito's movements.

"By the time you push too hard, something is bound to go wrong."

As predicted by Matsu, Keito is pushing himself too much, causing him to slide through the corners, allowing Matsu to pull even further away.

"Agh! I need to keep it under control!" Keito yelled in frustration, while trying to regain his composure.

Fortunately, Keito manages to relieve himself from his aggression, regaining control as he closes in.

Matsu could not help but grin upon seeing Keito overcome himself.

"Let's see if you can kick it up a notch."

Without hesitation, Matsu attacks the next bend with his foot to the floor, which surprises Keito.

"What?! Is that even possible?! That speed..." Keito was taken aback by his opponent's move, leaving him speechless for a moment.

"Damn. He just keeps going..." Keito felt he could not do any further.

"No, I can't lose this time!" exclaimed Keito, as he quickly regained his confidence.

Overwhelmed by the situation, Keito forgets to keep his calm, returning to driving aggressively.


He immediately realizes his mistake. Keito has pushed himself too hard, and fails to brake in time for the next corner. He ends up overshooting the turn, and locking up the brakes.

The RX-7 loses control, as Keito desperately tries to recover, but to no avail, heading straight to the concrete.

Keito braces himself for a crash, shutting his eyes, hoping for the best.

To be continued...

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Page 4: Tenacious

Kanagawa Prefecture
6:30 AM

The mangled RX-7 rests, after bouncing back from the impact with the wall. Several parts from the car are scattered along the road, such as bits of shattered glass and body panels

Matsu witnesses the crash and immediately runs toward the wreckage, as he performs a handbrake turn.

"Hey! You alright?!" Matsu runs to check Keito. He stops and sees Keito still breathing. However, Keito's breathing is quite rapid and heavy. As he inspects Keito's condition, he sees bleeding on the other side of his face, most likely due to an impact. Matsu quickly pulls him out of the car and sits him in the NSX.

He buries the throttle, rushing Keito to a hospital. Keito loses consciousness on the way.


A hospital in Tokyo
9:00 AM

Keito wakes up, as he finds himself on a hospital bed. Seconds later, Matsu enters the room in his work attire.

"No one told me you were a doctor," Keito jokingly remarked.

"You're doing fine. You need rest, however. Also, we bandaged up the left side of your face."

"Huh?" Keito wondered as he places his hand on his face, realizing just now the wound he has. Upon contact, he quickly shouts in pain.


"I'll be on my leave. If you need any help, I've sent the nurse to assist you," Matsu turned towards the door, and reached for the doorknob. At this point, Keito calls his attention.


Matsu pauses, just before turning the doorknob.

"You know I'm still coming for you," warned Keito.

Matsu resumes to open the door, and walks away, with the tap of his shoes echoing through the hallway. Then, Reiko arrives, and runs to the room. Upon seeing Keito doing well, she lets out a sigh of relief, and rushes towards him. Immediately, she hugs Keito.

"I'm so glad you're okay!"


Aoyama, Tokyo
9:00 PM

A week later, Keito is having his usual meeting with Reiko. However, Reiko seems to be running late, as Keito stares outside the window, waiting.

Minutes later, Reiko finally arrives. This time, however, she arrives in a taxi instead of her Evo. She enters the cafe and spots Keito.

"Looks like I'm late this time. Haha!" she cheerfully admitted.

"Don't worry about it. Something wrong with your car?" Keito asked.

Reiko pauses for a bit, and takes a seat in front of Keito.

"I... told you already. I won't use it now. I just couldn't bear to see anyone get hurt... I even told you that in the hospital."

"I want to settle down... Remember?" she softly spoke, as she looks Keito in the eyes. However, this causes Keito to feel nervous. Before speaking, he lets out a sigh.

"Reiko..." Keito nervously spoke, looking down at the table, as he tries to avoid eye contact.

He briefly pauses.

"I bought another car."

He turns to look out the window, staring at the car he had bought. Reiko then spots the car across the street.

"W-why?! Do you even remember what we agreed on a few days ago?! In fact, were you even listening at all, or were just thinking about yourself?! We agreed on this, that we'd forget risking our lives!" Reiko cried out, looking back at Keito, who is still staring at the car.

Keito continued to look outside, while Reiko looked at him in distraught.

"I just can't give up now... There's just something I can't shake off," Keito spoke softly.

"Why?! You don't have to give up racing completely. I've given up street racing, but why do you continue to risk your life?" frustrated upon seeing him remain without an answer, she stood up.

"I can't take this any more," angered, Reiko walks out of the building. While she briefly stares at the RX-7 parked across the street, she began to shed tears, as she walks away.

Keito, with his elbows resting on the table, rests his head on his hands, sighing.

"I'm sorry, Reiko..."


Kanagawa Prefecture
12:00 AM

The following night, Keito returns to the Kanagawa pass. Rokuro has tagged along as usual.

"What's wrong?" Rokuro asked, sensing something was bothering Keito, just by looking at his movements.

"We'll get there," Keito responded in sorrow.

It turns out Keito had driven to the parking area where he met Reiko.

The RX-7 comes to a stop, while Keito looks at the parking area. After a brief moment, he resumes driving at a normal pace.


Daikoku Parking Area
1:00 AM

The two decide to stop at the Daikoku PA to get a drink from the vending machine. As Keito grabs his drink, he notices a car arriving. Particularly...

Matsu has just gotten off from work, as evident by his clothes.

"Matsu!" Keito calls out, seeing him step down from his car.

Matsu looks around, spotting Keito. He promptly, raises his hand, then approaches him.

"Friend of yours?" Rokuro asked, looking at Matsu walk towards them.

"Rival, actually."

"So this is the guy... Quite the rich kid," Rokuro thought to himself, seeing the heavily modified NSX.

"You running tonight?" Keito asked.

"I have no plans to," Matsu quickly replied.

"Too bad. I got a new car," Keito remarked, as he points to his RX-7. Matsu briefly looks at the car, which is parked among a field of other cars.

Rokuro steps in, as he introduces himself to Matsu, extending his arm,"Hi, I'm Rokuro Aizawa. Pleased to meet you."

"Matsu Tominaga," he replied, shaking Rokuro's hand.

"So, you're the guy Keito's been hunting recently. I have a request, if you don't mind..."

"I want to race you." Rokuro pleaded.

This surprised Keito, as he quickly looks at Rokuro with his eyes wide open. Although Matsu seemed to be fine with the idea.

"Is tomorrow alright?" asked Rokuro.

"That's fine with me. I'll be there in the morning."

"Looking forward to it," he spoke, with a smile.


Kanagawa Prefecture
6:30 AM

Rokuro has brought his R34 GT-R, as he waits for Matsu.

"So, why did you challenge him?" asked Keito, seated next to Rokuro.

"He's your rival, isn't he?"


"And you haven't beaten him, right?"

"Yes..." Keito shamefully admitted.

"That's why. I'll watch him, then apply those to improve your car. I'm not here to win or lose. Besides, while this car may be able to decimate him on the straights, this was never built for this course."

"Hmm... Never thought of that," replied Keito, intrigued by Rokuro's plan.

Not long after, Matsu arrives in his NSX, coming to a stop next to the R34. Everyone steps out of the cars.

"Is it fine if I observe from the start?" Rokuro asks.

"I don't mind."

"All right then!" exclaimed Rokuro, now filled with excitement.

To be continued...

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Page 5: Obsession

(Background music: Sicker Than You - Brian Tyler)

Kanagawa Prefecture
6:40 AM

The atmosphere tenses up, as both cars rev their engines. Immediately, they launch. Rokuro holds back, allowing both Keito and himself to begin their observation.

After several corners, Keito begins to feel a lack of power in the GT-R.

"Hey, isn't this supposed to be making around 900 horsepower?" he asked.

"I swapped out some parts and brought the power down to about 600. Besides, I think this is already too much to handle on the touge. Now, watch closely," Rokuro reminded Keito, as he inches closer to the NSX on the straight.

"Since this is a heavy all-wheel drive, I'll be understeering through the corners a bit. So expect him to make a quick getaway at some point."

"Got it," Keito nodded his head.

Comparing the two cars, the NSX has less power and torque, but weighs less. Since the NSX utilizes an MR drivetrain, combined with Matsu's driving, this allows the NSX to pull away through the turns.

Meanwhile, the R34 puts more power to the ground, thanks to the all-wheel drive system, allowing it to keep up with the NSX.

Keito puts his full attention on the NSX in front, analyzing as many moves as possible, while storing it in his memory.

Rokuro, who is occasionally ecstatic behind the wheel, loses his smile, as he pours everything he has into hanging on to his opponent.

A tight corner comes at the two cars. Immediately, Rokuro steps on the brakes, as he begins to overshoot due to excess power, whereas Matsu waits a few more meters, taking advantage of the NSX's lighter mass.

"The car is just too heavy for this," Rokuro remarked.

Exiting the corner, Rokuro swiftly puts his hand on the shift knob, shifting to a higher gear as the R34 powers out of the turn.


"Why'd you let off?" Keito asked, as Matsu lifted his foot off the accelerator.

"Lesson's over. Sorry to cut it short. Anyway, did you learn anything?"

"I think I understand..." Keito began to describe his analysis.

"On the straights, I can probably keep up. The way he corners is what I should look out for. Although our lines our similar..."

"When he approaches a corner, his braking points seem to be just right. At the same time, he executes a heel-toe downshift. Similar to what I do."

"Then, I've noticed the way he hits the accelerator, as if he's stabbing it repeatedly, until it becomes possible to floor it all the way out of a corner. I don't understand why it works though," Keito remarked.

"Hmm, so you've noticed it too. Hehe. I gotta say... he's special," Rokuro then proceeds to share his observations.

"I think it suits him and the car perfectly. By letting off the throttle, he's shifting the weight from the rear, to the front. Then, just before understeering, he gives it some gas, shifting the weight back to the rear, letting the car oversteer. In short, by feathering the throttle, he's basically steering with not only his hands, but also his feet."

"Normally, you're told smooth and progressive is the fastest way to start off with. I agree with that... However, he's developed so much, that he changes the way the rules work."

Rokuro grins as he drives on.

(Music ends)


Aizawa Performance Tuning Shop
12:00 PM

Several weeks later, the RX-7 is lifted up on a hoist in Rokuro's tuning shop. Keito is working underneath, as he bolts on a new exhaust system. Ever since his last encounter with Matsu's NSX, he has been working non-stop, as well as spending every last cent on his car.

This begins to concern Rokuro, who approaches him.

"Hey, Keito?"

"Yeah?" Keito asks, while he continues to work underneath the car.

"I noticed you've been overworking yourself lately. I think you need a break," Rokuro suggested.

Keito pauses. However, he displays a frustrated look on his face, as he faces Rokuro.

"What are you talking about?" Keito replied.

"Look at you! Do you even care about yourself any more?" extending his arms, pointing out that Keito's health has began to deteriorate, as shown by his pale skin, and has significantly slimmed down. Indifferent, however, Keito resumes work on the car.

"Whatever... I don't care."

"Sooner or later, all this is going to backfire on you. There are things in life far more important than this. I can help you, but not to this extent."

"What's gotten into him?" Rokuro wondered, as he walked back to his office.


A Tokyo residential area
10:00 PM

Keito returns home, and upon entering, the house is dark and empty. He flips the light switch located next to the doorway, but nothing happens. Upon further realization...

"Oh, right... I didn't pay the bills," he remarked.

However, this doesn't seem to bother him.

Since everything is out, he skips another meal and lies on his bed. Keito sighs, as he rethinks the decisions he has been making recently. Eventually, he drifts to sleep.

To be continued...


Author's notes

In case you haven't noticed the reference... Click
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Page 6: Matsu

A hospital in Tokyo
7:00 PM

Several doctors are in the doctor's lounge, taking a break. Two doctors are conversing with each other, while Matsu is at the other room across, separated by a glass window.

"Did he drive here in that car again?" one of the doctors asks his colleague, gesturing towards Matsu.

"He has, indeed. I saw it in the parking area when I arrived," replied the co-worker, disgusted.

"Geez, you'd think someone with his profession would drive something more sophisticated. Rumor has it, and I'm not even joking, he even races in the mountain passes. Hahaha! Childish!"

"Haha, indeed!" the co-worker laughs, then takes a sip of his coffee.

"He needs to grow up! It was alright back in the day, but we're all matured now! It's time to act professional."

Little did they know, Toshiro Inoue, a medical student under Matsu's assistance had managed to overhear their conversation.

Later that day, he goes to Matsu, who prepares to leave, as he waits for the elevator.

"Umm... Doctor Tominaga?" Toshiro nervously called him.

"Yes, Toshiro?"

"I overheard the other doctors laughing about you earlier," the young man slowly spoke, sweating. "Doesn't it bother you at all? Having them boast about their luxury?"

To Toshiro's surprise, Matsu isn't bothered, as he lightly chuckles.

"Haha, so they're at it again? Well... I really don't care. So should you."

Toshiro retaliates, "But everyone else could get the wrong impression of you!"

"I appreciate it, but everyone has different interests. If I did anything to stand up and prove them wrong, I'd simply be wasting my time. Just like how not everyone can understand one's hobby," Matsu calmly replied, as the elevator door opens. He enters, and turns around, facing the young man.

"Take it easy, Toshiro," Matsu spoke with a smile.


A Tokyo residential area
11:00 PM

Arriving home, Matsu encounters a surprise visitor, parked alongside his garage.

He waits for the automated garage door to open, and parks inside.

Getting back outside, he sees an ill-looking Keito sitting on the hood of his RX-7. This surprises Matsu, wondering how Keito had managed to become so sickly.

"How?" Matsu asked, while lifting his arms in confusion.

"I asked the hospital staff for your address."

"No, not that. How did this happen to you in such a short time? You're in bad shape. Do need any help?" Matsu asks, as he opens the door, inviting Keito inside.

"Heh, I won't be long. I just need to put an end to this," Keito remarked, as he enters the car, "I'll be waiting at Kanagawa pass tomorrow midnight..."

"Oh, and just a bit of friendly notice... I'm running 420 horsepower now," warned Keito.

The RX-7 leaves, as Matsu watches it disappear from his view, wondering what the man has gotten himself into.


Matsu is standing in front of his NSX. As he stares at the car, he puts on his work gloves.

"Let's get to work," softly speaking to himself, Matsu walked towards the side of the room, where his tool chest is located. After grabbing the necessary tools, he walks over to a box on the other side. Upon opening the box, a wide range of high performance parts are found inside. It seemed like a moment he had been waiting for quite some time.

Matsu spends the night removing engine components, in exchange for bigger and better replacements. Hours pass, and he had managed to install a few parts. He wipes off his sweat, and proudly shows a smile, admiring the engine bay.

Finished with his work, Matsu shuts off the lights, and heads back inside to get some rest, excited for tomorrow's event.


Aizawa Performance Tuning Shop
10:00 AM

Rokuro's tuning shop is busy as usual, as a handful of cars are being worked on. Keito arrives, parking in front of the establishment. Immediately, he approaches Rokuro, who is in his office, signing some papers. Keito knocks on the door and enters the room.

"Hey, Rokuro, got some time?... Sorry about the other day," Keito apologetically spoke.

"As long as you've realized it, I have no problems. After all, it's for your own good," Rokuro replied, as he continued to write on the papers. He pauses, "Come with me," he requested Keito.

Rokuro led Keito to the back of the shop, where a dyno machine is placed. Immediately, the car catches Keito by surprise.

"What's it doing here?" Keito asked.

"He requested to have some components installed, as well as remapping the ECU. At the moment, it's at 428 horsepower."

The two walk back to the front of the shop. Immediately, Rokuro notices the RX-7.

"Quite the transformation," he remarked as they stood in front of the car.

"It took me everything I had... Also, there's another reason why I came to see you."

"What would that be?" asked Rokuro.

"You know I'm gonna have to get rid of this car afterwards. I was thinking... maybe you could get it off my hands?"

"I'll think about it. But anyway, he told me you'd end this tonight... am I right?"

"Yeah... Win or lose, it doesn't matter to me any more. I just need to race him one last time before I let go..."

"Besides... there's something I have to do that's far more important."

To be continued...


Author's notes

No action on this short page. Wait for the next few pages. ;)

Also, we've made Thread of the Week! :D

Same here! I do find that trying to remember the names and whos who is a little complicated but I am loving all the pictures! Keep it up!

Page 7: Strike Three

Aizawa Performance Tuning Shop
1:00 PM

While Keito and Rokuro are standing by the NSX, Matsu drops by.

"Oh, you're here! Just in time!" Rokuro exclaimed, seeing Matsu at the entrance.

"I'm glad you're here. Anyway, the car's all set. Our dyno says your NSX makes 428 horsepower."

"I see. Thanks," replied Matsu.

The three begin to notice the weather outside takes a turn for the worst, as the clouds turn dark and gloomy.

"Looks like a storm's happening tonight, boys," Rokuro points out.

However, none of the two racers are fazed by the incoming weather.

"So, tonight, huh?" Matsu looked at Keito.

"Yeah. Looking forward to it."

"Same here. I'll be on my way now. Thanks for the help, Mr. Aizawa."

Matsu gets in his car and starts it up. As he backs out of the dyno area, the two watch as the NSX leaves the building.

"You're not scared at all?" asked Rokuro, looking at Keito with concern.

"Looking at him... I'm sure we both are."


Kanagawa Prefecture
12:00 AM

Hours pass, and the weather has only gotten worse. The roads have cleared due to storm warnings, and puddles have began to form on the asphalt.

Amidst the pouring rain, a Rotary engine sounds its way through the pass.

Not too far behind, Rokuro has come along, in case things take an unfortunate turn.

"Damn... I can barely see a thing," Keito softly spoke.

Arriving at the peak, they find Matsu in his NSX, waiting.

Stepping down from their cars, the two face each other from a meter away, both with an umbrella in hand.

"You ready?" Matsu asked.

Keito simply nodded his head, as both drivers got in their cars.

"We'll contact you if something happens." Keito told Rokuro, who stood next to the RX-7.


The two cars line up at the starting point. Rokuro stands behind the guardrail, as he begins the countdown.

(Background music: Apex - Brian Tyler)


The RX-7 revs its engine, as Keito firmly grasps the steering wheel.


Matsu places his hand on the shift knob, as puts it in first gear.

The two cars rev simultaneously, as the atmosphere tenses up.





Both cars immediately launch, leaving a trail of water behind them. Matsu manages to out perform the RX-7's launch, grabbing the lead.

Immediately, Keito struggles, as the NSX's trail covers up his vision.

Though, using his memory of the course, Keito manages to smoothly find his way through.

Both cars are now bumper to bumper, with just mere inches to spare.

"Give me your best shot, Matsu!" Keito exclaimed in excitement.

Slowly, Matsu builds his pace, as he adapts to the race conditions.

With the next corner approaching, the headlights of both cars reflect the guardrail, then the taillights, as both cars brake.

Simultaneously, both drivers downshift, as they enter the turn. However, Keito loses some ground in the middle.


Exiting the corner, the RX-7 makes use of its extra power and weight advantage, as it catches up to the NSX again.

Matsu briefly looks at his rearview mirror, shifting at the same time.

"Alright, Keito... Let's see how you handle this."

The NSX quickly accelerates, pulling away from Keito.

"What the hell?!" Keito could not believe his eyes, seeing the NSX slowly outrun him.

"Not this time!" Keito quickly downshifts, entering the next corner. He mimics Matsu's throttle technique. Although not as refined, it has helped him keep the boost pressure higher, allowing for a faster exit speed. He closes in on the NSX, and nudges the rear bumper.

To be continued...

Page 8: Drive

(Background music: Insane Face - Brian Tyler)

With only less than half the course completed, the outcome of this battle is anyone's guess.

Both drivers are now running at their full potential... Or so they think.

Slowly, Keito begins to feel out of place, as he drives faster than he ever has.

"I think I've broken my limit!" he momentarily panics, but quickly dismisses it, as he looks back at the NSX.

"Let's see how far we can go!"

Keito continues to accelerate, as the NSX slows down, hitting his opponent."

"Wake up!!" Keito suddenly shifts into anger, turning the tables, as he urges Matsu to push harder.

As both cars exit the corner, Keito slams the NSX, as he impatiently grabs the lead.

"B***h!" Matsu furiously exclaimed.

For the first time, Matsu is pushed to drive in anger. Nothing will stop them now, as the battle heats up further.

The modified 13B-REW screams, as the twin turbos spool simultaneously, powering the RX-7 out of the corner.

Completely ignoring their fear, the two drivers battle it out, as if their lives depended on it.

One would probably ask: What is it that drives these people?

Keito looks back at his recent memories, as he recalls the things people have told him.

First, Rokuro...

"Look at you! Do you even care about yourself any more?"

"Sooner or later, all this is going to backfire on you. There are things in life far more important than this. I can help you, but not to this extent."

"Well, what else do I have left to lose?" Keito thought, as he looked back.

Then, he remembers the words Reiko had told him the night they last met.

"W-why?! Do you even remember what we agreed on a few days ago?! In fact, were you even listening at all, or were just thinking about yourself?! We agreed on this, that we'd forget risking our lives!"

"I want to settle down... Remember?"

"Why didn't I see it sooner?..."

"Reiko... I'll fulfill our promise."

"Let me have this one last chance, and I'll stop racing for good."

"I promise."

To be continued...

Page 9: Finale

(Background music: The Limit - Brian Tyler)

Looking at his rival, Matsu notices Keito's sudden change of pace.

"So, you've finally found your catalyst..."

"This is the Keito I've been looking to fight ever since."

"What do you say?"

As the race reaches its end, both cars have already taken a beating, but neither refuse to give up.

The final corners are in sight. Keito sees Matsu aiming for the inside, looking for the opportunity to pass.

"Not this time!" Keito blocks the inside one last time, upon realizing...

Matsu had tricked him, as he steers towards the outside, which leads to the inside of the final corner.

Keito, left speechless, could only smile upon seeing Matsu's trick.

Both cars are now headed for the finish, as they blast down on the final straightaway.

With the goal fast approaching, Keito is forced to shift, pulling back from the NSX.

Then, the tables turn, as the NSX shifts, while the RX-7's twin turbos kick in.

And at the last second, the moment of truth prevails.

"YEAH!! GOTCHA!!" Keito ecstatically pounds the steering wheel with his hand, as he celebrates his victory.

(Music ends)

Both cars come to a complete stop, as they park on the side of the road. Then, both drivers step out, weary.

"You," Matsu pauses, as he takes a deep breath, "You got me... You should've told me you'd cheat," Matsu chuckled at his now former rival.

"Heh, well... I gotta ask you something... What keeps you racing? I mean, you're already successful, being a doctor, but why risk it?"

"Well, sometimes being successful doesn't mean you're happy."

The two look back at their cars, realizing the amount of hits they accumulated.

"Let's not do that again," Matsu joked.

"Anyway, what are you going to do now, Keito?"

"There's something I have to fix."


Aoyama, Tokyo
12:00 PM

A week later, Keito has met up with Reiko, as they meet up at the same cafe where they last met. Keito, finally free from his rivalry, has managed to recover, and is on his way to rebuilding his life.

"Listen, I told you a million times on the phone already! I'm done with street racing!"

"Really? I'm... I'm really happy, Keito... I'm sorry. I should've never forced you to change," Reiko expressed, apologetically.

"Hey... It's okay. You're all I need in my life," Keito held Reiko's hands across the table.

"Now, shall we go? The food here's expensive. Hahaha!" Keito joked.

"I never understood why we even chose to meet here in the first place," replied Reiko.

"I thought you liked it here!"

"So did I!"

"Looks like we both hate this place. Let's get out of here," Keito cheerfully got up from his seat.


Shuto Expressway
1:00 AM

Rokuro takes a drive in his R34 GT-R, after applying another set of modifications. In the passenger seat, Matsu silently observes, as the R34 weaves through traffic.

"You're pretty quiet, aren't you?" Rokuro spoke up.

Matsu chuckled, without a further response.

"Any plans to continue racing?" Rokuro asked.

"Why ask?"

"You had your NSX detuned after that race."

"I see no point in street racing any more. After I got to know the kid, and what he's been through..."

"Well... what about track racing? Ever thought of it?"

"Not at all, actually."

"Well, you're in for a surprise," Rokuro grinned as they drive towards their destination.


Aizawa Performance Tuning Shop
1:30 AM

Arriving at the shop, all the lights and appliances are switched off, as the shop had closed hours ago. This being an unusual sight to Matsu, he follows Rokuro inside, who flicks the light switches.

(Background music *Starts at 0:45 + Language warning*: iSHi - Push It)

Upon entering the garage...

Matsu remains silent, seeing the RX-7, now sporting a full aero kit. He notices the license plate is the same one as Keito's.

"Keito wanted to do this in the first place," Rokuro remarked, as they stood in front of the car.

"So, this is his car?"

"Used to. He needed the money, so he sold me the car, and here it is now."

"Does he know about this?"

"As much as I want him to, I don't think it's necessary. He's pretty happy now, and I don't want to get in the way of that."

Before heading back outside, Matsu takes one last look.

He stares for a moment, then flicks the light switch, following Rokuro as they leave the garage.

The RX-7 rests, ready for more.



Author's notes

Special thanks to @RCKakashi14 for playing as Matsu in this battle, and to @KazaMR2 for playing as Keito and Rokuro in previous battles.

Most of all, thank you to every single one of you readers! There would be no point in this without you guys!
The story is very good! I also like when you put link for some music which were very good and well fit to the pictures and story! :)👍

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