Trying to gold the drifting coffee break challenges

  • Thread starter Benny44
Oak Bay, NB, Canada
So I have to make an admission first off - I despise drifting and I really really don't want to do it. But PD has seen fit to include drifting challenges in GT6. ( I recognize many people love drifting and it does require quite a bit of skill) Anyhow, I'm using a DS3 with the gas/brake mapped to R2/L2 buttons. All I want to do is gold the coffee break challenges and be done with it forever, but I'm terrible at drifting. Anybody with helpful advice? I don't care if it's a cheap way to do it, I just want gold. Thank you in advance!
Just practice and stay close as you can to the inside wall of a corner while keeping all four wheels on the pavement to help rack up massive points or you can try try two wheels in the grass and two on the pavement for more points.
Kind of in the same boat as OP however I do plan on learning how to drift better.
I've managed to gold the first drift challenge by learning how the S15 behaves and seems second or third gear is the way to go.
I also found a glitch(?) where after completing the first sector you could enter the second sector to bring up the drift scoring then turn around and drive all the way back to the start and begin earning points from there (works most of the time). The catch with doing this though is that any points you get wont be saved until you cross the finishing flags for the second sector so you'll have to avoid spinning out/going on the grass/etc as usual. This trick also works for the third and fourth sector so rinse and repeat.

Although I now feel I have a better understanding for drifting, I've yet to translate that into golding the other two drift challenges. It's pretty difficult to judge how much revs and angle you need to keep the car in the sweet spot.. the art of drifting is a very fine line between spinning out and spearing off into the wall with these touring cars.
To make your drifts much easier you want to switch to Comfort Hard tires. The game puts Comfort Soft tires on the car when you begin. Throttle modulation is very important.
I am having the worst time with the second challenge using the RX7. I can't get past the first sector. I figured after some 300 tries, I would start to get some feel to it, but there is no sign of consistency whatsoever. I enter the exactly the same every time and the car either enters a drift but just keeps rotating slowly regardless of steering and throttle input, or it just snaps violently into the outside wall. I cannot tell what causes either, because I do the same thing every time. In GT5, I could eventually get some sense of what the car is doing, but this seems absolutely numb and random.
I also found a glitch(?) where after completing the first sector you could enter the second sector to bring up the drift scoring then turn around and drive all the way back to the start and begin earning points from there (works most of the time). The catch with doing this though is that any points you get wont be saved until you cross the finishing flags for the second sector so you'll have to avoid spinning out/going on the grass/etc as usual. This trick also works for the third and fourth sector so rinse and repeat.
You sir, just got me gold by 28 points! Thanks for that. I'm dreading the other two challenges though!
I am having the worst time with the second challenge using the RX7. I can't get past the first sector. I figured after some 300 tries, I would start to get some feel to it, but there is no sign of consistency whatsoever. I enter the exactly the same every time and the car either enters a drift but just keeps rotating slowly regardless of steering and throttle input, or it just snaps violently into the outside wall. I cannot tell what causes either, because I do the same thing every time. In GT5, I could eventually get some sense of what the car is doing, but this seems absolutely numb and random.

Are you using a wheel? I had to use the DS3 for this. With the G27 I got nowhere near the gold score.
Are you using a wheel? I had to use the DS3 for this. With the G27 I got nowhere near the gold score.

I was using my DFGT, but I couldn't even finish a run after hours. I finally gave up and used DS3. I got gold within the first sector on the first try, but I didn't feel any better.:(
Just golded the second and third drift challenges using the DS3 after a few minutes and retries.
Some of my tips:
  • You don't have to do big sideways flicks to initiate the drift, doing so does give big initial points but is very easy to lose control. Instead just drive relatively normally (I used CH tyres) and aim roughly where you want to go and tap the handbrake to start the drift. With practice the car only kicks out its rear slightly into a fairly neutral slide.
  • Control the slide with small steering and accelerator inputs, it should feel like a powerslide.
  • Using 3rd/4th gear seemed the most controllable, 2nd gear for the first hairpin corner in the third and final drift challenge.
  • The low grip tyres combined with even less grip from sliding means you should be thinking about initiating the turn in well before your normal racing line turn in point.
  • Don't carry too much speed into corners, equally you don't always need to mash the accelerator during the drift as you'll likely spin out particularly in tighter bends.
  • Keep going even if you mess up a sector, becoming familiar with the whole course gives you the practice and confidence to take on each sector on the following retry.
Once you figure out how to "drift" with the DS3 it'll hopefully give you a better idea of what needs to be done when using a wheel, good luck.
Well I’ve tried and tried to get the Gold on the first “drift” coffee break, but only managed the Sliver with 4,095 points. I’ve tried everything as above including hard tires, using the hand controller, staying close inside, even that supposed glitch mentioned in this thread, which by the way I can’t get to work so I must be doing something wrong...? I’ve Golded legally everything else to this point through my A license, but this loss is frustrating the crap out of me ! Any ideas on the glitch or what ever ?
Well I’ve tried and tried to get the Gold on the first “drift” coffee break, but only managed the Sliver with 4,095 points. I’ve tried everything as above including hard tires, using the hand controller, staying close inside, even that supposed glitch mentioned in this thread, which by the way I can’t get to work so I must be doing something wrong...? I’ve Golded legally everything else to this point through my A license, but this loss is frustrating the crap out of me ! Any ideas on the glitch or what ever ?
When I done this first Drift event in GT6 a few years ago, I used Comfort Soft tyres F/R on the car, and I remember doing this for the other 2 Drift events as well. I hope this will help you.