Tuesday Night Racing - 8:00pm Central Time in the USAPS4 

  • Thread starter ynot
United States
San Antonio, Texas
I have been running league races on GT6 for a few years now.

I have started hosting clean racing lobbies on Project Cars every Tuesday night. Lobby opens at 8:00pm central time USA and run until 10:00pm central

Also hosting on other random days and time of the week.

These are clean racing rooms. I understand that there are bumps that happen. Just no intentional hitting other drivers to advance your position. No dirty racing.

Will need to send a friend request to Obi-Tonobi so I can invite you to any private lobbies.

Various car classes and tracks

Open to all skill levels.

If there is enough interest and drivers I will consider running a league.

For now I just want to get some organized events going.

Please reply here or send me a message on PSN to Obi-Tonobi if you are interested.

You are welcome to join the Ready Or Not Racing community on PS4

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Visit our website: www.readyornotracing.com
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Forgot today is Valentines Day, will open the lobby when I get back from dinner. Should be on time but might be a little late.
We are still running lobbies each Tuesday night at 8:00pm central time in the USA. Join us for a race or two.
Thinking about joining. Will be my first lobby joining if I do so am a bit unfamiliar about joining, requirements etc. Couple questions:
1. Is "Central Time"...."Central Standard Time" (CST)? I'm in the Caribbean, I think it's "Atlantic Standard Time (AST)" we go under, so want to clarify in order to calculate the equivalent time or difference.

2. In order to join an Online Lobby in Project Cars with the PS4 console do I need to have a PS+ subscription (which I don't have) or could I join simply by you accepting a Friend request or Lobby join request acceptance? (I do have a PSN account).

3. Do I need to have any other accessories such as a communication headset in order to communicate in-game? (which I also do not have).

I've been meaning to find out more about joining online lobbies before (on PS4/Project Cars) for clarification so your responses would be appreciated.
Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you. Just saw the message today. Yes Central Time in the USA. Use Dallas Texas to look up the current time so you can convert. We are still running on every Tuesday. Send me a friend request so I can get you in the private lobbies.
Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you. Just saw the message today. Yes Central Time in the USA. Use Dallas Texas to look up the current time so you can convert. We are still running on every Tuesday. Send me a friend request so I can get you in the private lobbies.

Thanks. Was just now racing in Pcars and saw I got a friend request from you and accepted.
I'm assuming the answer to #2 is once Friend Requests are established one can join in and I don't need to have a PS+ subscription?
Any clarification you could share regards question #3 though?
You will need a PS+ subscription to get online unless there is another person in the house that has one already.
You will need a PS+ subscription to get online unless there is another person in the house that has one already.

Oh. That's a bummer. Guess I'll have to wait until I purchase a PS+ subscription sometime later then.
Was hoping it would have been like GT6 on PS3 where you didn't have to have a PS+ subscription where a PSN account would have sufficed, at least in this case for private online lobbies.
Oh. That's a bummer. Guess I'll have to wait until I purchase a PS+ subscription sometime later then.
Was hoping it would have been like GT6 on PS3 where you didn't have to have a PS+ subscription where a PSN account would have sufficed, at least in this case for private online lobbies.
Are you the only PS4 player in the house? Does anyone in the family have a PSN account?
Just me. Bachelor living by myself...Living la vida loca. :)
I know 60.00 is not cheap. It's the best 60 you'll spend for a year of online gaming with others. I pretty much just play multiplayer games. Have never played offline all the way through any game. I have been playing with the same group of guys for about 5 years now. Feel free to join my party chat rooms if you see me on. I don't think you need a PS+ for the chat to work . Everyone can be one separate games too.
I know 60.00 is not cheap. It's the best 60 you'll spend for a year of online gaming with others. I pretty much just play multiplayer games. Have never played offline all the way through any game. I have been playing with the same group of guys for about 5 years now. Feel free to join my party chat rooms if you see me on. I don't think you need a PS+ for the chat to work . Everyone can be one separate games too.

I've been really giving it some serious thought lately regarding buying a PS+ subscription to join y'all. If not by the end of this month about 3 days away I'll take out one in about a month's time. Most likely it will be in 3 days time, probably weekend. I'll take the annual subscription and call that George. I'll let you know when I do also. Looking forward to joining y'all. Cheers bro.
Hi Obi. I just wanted to thank you again for the invite and invitation to be able participate in the lobby last night. As I said in the lobby notifications I really enjoyed the experience especially being my lobby christening.
I apologise for the waiting on the track initially during the warming up. I only did so thinking you or whoever encountered some problems on the track and was waiting for y'all to catch up thinking you would have seen me in time ahead.
It's a problem not being able to communicate with ya'll though as I had to figure out some stuff. I could hear y'all but not talk to y'all. Next thing I'll be getting is that wireless headset. Looking at the Playstation Gold headset. Hoping I'll get that soon.
About the lobby experience last night besides like the camaraderie and fun nature of it I liked how you mixed up the races so we could have enjoyed a nice range of different category cars and tracks and last but not least the race durations were not long-winded endurance races (that would have bored me to death) but were the shorter 3-lap or so races which suits me just fine. Cheers again bro. Looking forward to joining y'all again.
Hi Obi. I just wanted to thank you again for the invite and invitation to be able participate in the lobby last night. As I said in the lobby notifications I really enjoyed the experience especially being my lobby christening.
I apologise for the waiting on the track initially during the warming up. I only did so thinking you or whoever encountered some problems on the track and was waiting for y'all to catch up thinking you would have seen me in time ahead.
It's a problem not being able to communicate with ya'll though as I had to figure out some stuff. I could hear y'all but not talk to y'all. Next thing I'll be getting is that wireless headset. Looking at the Playstation Gold headset. Hoping I'll get that soon.
About the lobby experience last night besides like the camaraderie and fun nature of it I liked how you mixed up the races so we could have enjoyed a nice range of different category cars and tracks and last but not least the race durations were not long-winded endurance races (that would have bored me to death) but were the shorter 3-lap or so races which suits me just fine. Cheers again bro. Looking forward to joining y'all again.
Glad you enjoyed it. If you are on a controller then the little ear bud with the built in mic that came with your PS4 works just fine.
Hi Obi. I just wanted to thank you again for the invite and invitation to be able participate in the lobby last night. As I said in the lobby notifications I really enjoyed the experience especially being my lobby christening.
I apologise for the waiting on the track initially during the warming up. I only did so thinking you or whoever encountered some problems on the track and was waiting for y'all to catch up thinking you would have seen me in time ahead.
It's a problem not being able to communicate with ya'll though as I had to figure out some stuff. I could hear y'all but not talk to y'all. Next thing I'll be getting is that wireless headset. Looking at the Playstation Gold headset. Hoping I'll get that soon.
About the lobby experience last night besides like the camaraderie and fun nature of it I liked how you mixed up the races so we could have enjoyed a nice range of different category cars and tracks and last but not least the race durations were not long-winded endurance races (that would have bored me to death) but were the shorter 3-lap or so races which suits me just fine. Cheers again bro. Looking forward to joining y'all again.
As for a headset, PlayStation Gold has a reliability issue with the head band breaking after a short while. Amazon has it for 72 and change right now though. I am using my Turtle Beach P11 that I had for my PS3. Works just fine on the PS4. It is corded though. P12 is the newer version. Be sure to look how the headsets hook up to your PS4 before you buy one. Most need the digital optical output for game sounds. The PS4 Slim does not have one requiring you to use the one on the back of your TV. Not all TV's have one. The original PS4 and PS4 Pro have the digital output built in.
I actually got a headset last Tuesday. Was looking forward to using it then while we were playing but realized I had to charge it before use. Went with the Playstation Gold - Uncharted 4 Limited Edition (wireless). Sounds great and it makes so much of a difference being able to communicate in session now. I was able to use it for the first time in lobby yesterday after being invited to another lobby who had put on a session yesterday. Was really cool.
I actually got a headset last Tuesday. Was looking forward to using it then while we were playing but realized I had to charge it before use. Went with the Playstation Gold - Uncharted 4 Limited Edition (wireless). Sounds great and it makes so much of a difference being able to communicate in session now. I was able to use it for the first time in lobby yesterday after being invited to another lobby who had put on a session yesterday. Was really cool.
Have not seen you on lately
Hi Marcus, glad you joined us last Tuesday. Next week will be in a private lobby. Too many bad drivers in the public lobbies. I run a public lobby every now and then looking for some clean drivers to invite. Keep your eyes open for some and feel free to invite any of your friends. Have them send me a friend request.