Visual bug

  • Thread starter TompoesNL
Hey all!

I'm having an issue with the in game credits. My credits got reset to 0. At first I was like ok yeah this sucks, had about 1 mil saved up. But earning cash in the game is pretty easy, so grinding for more didn't feel that bad.

But here's the problem. My credits are frozen on 0. I complete an event and it shows I win 10k. And when I press x the credits are added to your total, but mine stays on 0. I cannot buy anything since I have no money, cant even wash my car :(

I've tried restarting the game, my ps5 and my internet all didn't seem to work. My temporary data space has 800mb of space left where the game says errors can occur if there is less then 300 remaining.

Anyone else have this issue? Please I hope someone can help me with this, because it has kinda made the game unplayable
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Im having the same issue. Contacted sony and they couldnt fix it. Nor would they refund my DIGITAL COPY as its been downloaded so refund is no good. How that makes sense i have no idea. Its a digital copy. Its not sctatched nor does it get stress from game play. Lol well it migght. Ive tried everything. But make new account. Your having same prob so doubt its account as sony counldnt help
So your telling me the only way to fix it is by starting all over. This cant be, completed the entire menu book line, gold at all licences, halfway through the missions... it just sucks if this is the solution.
Well let me know how that works out! I hope you'll have an answer soon.

I posted some videos about it on the GT reddit, already came across another person who had the same issue so there will be more.
Hey all!

I'm having an issue with the in game credits. My credits got reset to 0. At first I was like ok yeah this sucks, had about 1 mil saved up. But earning cash in the game is pretty easy, so grinding for more didn't feel that bad.

But here's the problem. My credits are frozen on 0. I complete an event and it shows I win 10k. And when I press x the credits are added to your total, but mine stays on 0. I cannot buy anything since I have no money, cant even wash my car :(

I've tried restarting the game, my ps5 and my internet all didn't seem to work. My temporary data space has 800mb of space left where the game says errors can occur if there is less then 300 remaining.

Anyone else have this issue? Please I hope someone can help me with this, because it has kinda made the game unplayable
I have exactly the same problem. I have a video link of it:
No reply back yet. Go figure
As always haha. I even bought the 100k for €2,49 to see if that might reset the balance but without succes. I did managed to get my money back from sony for that.

And currently I'm waiting for a reply from Sony about the 0 credit issue. Dont think I'll get an response in the weekend so I hope to know more in a couple of days. They said it takes about 48 hours to reply...
I have exactly the same problem. I have a video link of it:

Yeah this is the exact some thing. Also if you try a roulette ticket it says you have a total of 4.2billion. That was pretty funny to see.

I'm still waiting on a reply from Sony. I dont think it will be this weekend though, let's hope that this Monday I might know more