Defecting to Forza...

  • Thread starter Ske
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PzR Ske
Soooo... I just bought myself an Xbox with Forza 2, so I'll probably let the ol PS2 rest from now on. I'll still be around this forum to check what's up... but I think my days with GT4 are numbered (I'll be back for GT5).

If anyone got any hot tips on community sites with Forza drifting content, general stuff, etc.... feel free to let me know ;) I'm a total noob at the moment, but I'll probably get on Live sooner or later as well ... when I learn to drift properly again :dunce:

what's the point?

Not much point in your reply either, is there?

I'm looking for a good starting/meeting point a la GTP for Forza drifters.. I checked out forzacentral but it didn't seem that alive to be honest. So if anyone else around here have got any tips, I wouldn't mind hearing about them.

Anyway, I think you do a good job proving why I got fed up with this community lately... So, good luck to you all.
Ill be joining you ske, i played it at a friends and was attempting to drift, it seems pretty fun. Im going to go buy it asap. Im gonna try to use my DFP with it too. When ya get live add me.:)
Unfortunately you can't use the DFP with the Xbox, MS wants to cash in I guess... As far as I know the only wheel licended to use proper feedback is the official wireless one (which just isn't as good as logitech's wheels....To give an example, the very one I bought with the game yesterday had a centering issue and needed replacement... promising)

Forza's far from perfect, but it's kinda fresh.. and I'm interested to see how drifting online works with Live. Hoping I don't get too much latency from living in Norway :S
I can understand this. As GT4 is officially an "old" game. Nothing wrong with keeping things fresh. :)

See you in 08(we hope) for GT5 :D
fm2 is a joke. everyone said it was going to beat gt5, but not by a mile. hope you didnt buy xb360 and live just for fm2, if so thats a waste.
have fun being pro in no time. took me like 30 minutes to be pro on fm2. its not really challenging at all.
fm2 is a joke. everyone said it was going to beat gt5, but not by a mile. hope you didnt buy xb360 and live just for fm2, if so thats a waste.
have fun being pro in no time. took me like 30 minutes to be pro on fm2. its not really challenging at all.

Nah, I got the console for a number of reasons.. Music and wmv streaming, EA Skate and a bunch of other next gen games are coming up/out now and the PS3 is still over twice as much as the X over here. I also have way too much free time to sit and wait for 1-2 years for my GT5 fix :dunce:

GT5 will kill fm2, no argument there... Even GT4 has the edge in a few areas (track surfacing, feel, replays to name a few), but after clearing GT mode 3 times and checking just about all the boxes when it comes to drifting, it's starting to feel a bit worn out for me. Living where I live, I don't see anything big happening regularly over xlink either. Besides, I never really enjoyed stock "drifting" that much (but that's another discussion we've visited too many times).

Compared to GT4 I agree that drifting is extremely easy in FM2, almost to the point of being easier than grip when you bump the power up in some FR cars... and whether or not it's more true to reality I don't know. That being said, I think (hope) the standards will only shift more because of that....I guess it depends on what you mean by pro. In GT4 a driver's above average if he can hold a 5 degree angle for half a turn.... All the more kudos to the ones that can drift properly, but it hardly makes for a competitive scene in my eyes :indiff:
My gamertag is xVxAKINGxVx, I got a group of drifter buddies that we play from time to time. But a majority of times i drift alot. Add me and we can do some drift rooms. I to defected last month :nervous: nothing personal to all the gt4 guys. I'm just waiting for GT5. Tandem in Forza 2 is pretty koo, what sux is you can't use the g25 wheel on 360. Anyway I can tell gt5 will be amazing compared to forza 2. Plus the g25 wheel will make it amazing.
Gamer tag = SkinnyKibbles

look me up if im not tuning my car, i have a joinable session in progress.

Honestly i enjoyed GT4 way more than Forza2, the game seemed smoother and made me feel like i had more control of my car through a drift.
Gamer tag = SkinnyKibbles

look me up if im not tuning my car, i have a joinable session in progress.

Honestly i enjoyed GT4 way more than Forza2, the game seemed smoother and made me feel like i had more control of my car through a drift.

I totally understand that feeling. For example when you counter steer in forza it looks like the car is jerking side to side rather then drifting. It dosen't flow as smooth as gt4 or GTHD.
GT5 will kill fm2, no argument there... Even GT4 has the edge in a few areas (track surfacing, feel, replays to name a few), but after clearing GT mode 3 times and checking just about all the boxes when it comes to drifting, it's starting to feel a bit worn out for me.

You're lucky, I have been stuck at 60% in GT4 for a while.
GT5 will kill fm2, no argument there... Even GT4 has the edge in a few areas (track surfacing, feel, replays to name a few), but after clearing GT mode 3 times and checking just about all the boxes when it comes to drifting, it's starting to feel a bit worn out for me. Living where I live, I don't see anything big happening regularly over xlink either. Besides, I never really enjoyed stock "drifting" that much (but that's another discussion we've visited too many times).

Anyone that can say that can honestly say GT4 is getting boring. So have fun with FM2. If/when you make some videos, be sure to let us know. :D
Problem is that Forza's replay mode is pretty abysmal... so there'll only be a chance to film if I get online.

Another issue is that my xbox crashes at least 2-3 times in one night :( Hope I can get a replacement because this just sucks!
fm2 is a joke. everyone said it was going to beat gt5, but not by a mile. hope you didnt buy xb360 and live just for fm2, if so thats a waste.
have fun being pro in no time. took me like 30 minutes to be pro on fm2. its not really challenging at all.
I bought the Xbox only for Forza 2.
Having been a GT fan since 2001, I was a bit disappointed by GT4 and after more than 2 years playing it I felt I needed something new.
Problem is : there is nothing else than Forza 2 ATM.
GT5 will be the only reason why I'll ever buy a PS3, and it's not gonna be released before 2009 (they say end 2008 but you know, you've been expecting the previous GT episodes too).
FM2 is quite good actually. Good enough to keep me busy for a couple of months, perhaps until GT5 is released.
And then the Xbox will go to my kids' room, like the N64 before and the PS2 recently.

Another issue is that my xbox crashes at least 2-3 times in one night :( Hope I can get a replacement because this just sucks!
It sucks, but that's rather common. I've been playing a lot over the past 2 weeks, and it happens as often as you say, 2 or 3 times a day.
Remember, that's made by M$.

As for defecting, well I'm not loyal to any particular game, I'm loyal to racing games. So if GT is better, I play GT, if FM is better I play FM. As simple as that.
Problem is that Forza's replay mode is pretty abysmal... so there'll only be a chance to film if I get online.

Another issue is that my xbox crashes at least 2-3 times in one night :( Hope I can get a replacement because this just sucks!

Dude, are you for real? :lol:
You "just bought" an xbox360 as mentioned yesterday for the creation of this thread and now you're already getting crashes 2 to 3 times a night? :ouch:
You're not just making that up are you?

If so, shame on you.
If not... :ouch:

None the less, I hope you enjoy Forza 2. 👍
Be sure to let the GT world know what you think by making a post in the GT5 forum where there is a long running GT vs Forza thread. 👍
Yep, it really does crash about every 90 minutes... I seem to remember reading something about only Forza doing that though, so let's hope they patch it cause it's already taking away some of the fun.

From my first days of fm2 I have to say that as far as drifting is concerned, it's not really easier to get it right.. It's VERY easy to do quick powerslides in forza, but drifting far and smooth seems to be quite tricky... The controls aren't progressive like in GT4, which means you have to be VERY VERY light on the pedal when you start getting some power under the hood (might need to mess with deadzones to make it a bit easier). To give an example; if I move the right pedal just a centimeter down I'll power over in 3rd gear.. in a trueno :P

As for being "loyal", I still consider myself a GT person playing forza cause PD can't get their finger out ;) I also hope Sony stops hating Europeans, as the PS3 is still $1000+ here (one controller, no games) with no reduction plans in sight... And I believe that Sony execs have more or less stated in interviews that they don't care about the EU market either, which I find disturbing...
I defected years ago with the first Forza, and I really haven't looked back. Sure, GT4 was a pretty good game in itself, but it wore out quickly for me, and I pretty much stopped at 70 or so percent. I think the lack of online play (that is, "true" online play) is what killed it.

In all, Forza 2 has fairly clear faults by comparison to the GT-series, but on the same note, GT has a lot to learn from Forza as well. I'd personally consider Forza 2 ahead of GT4, but we really can't compare anything to GT5 (as one n00b attempted to do earlier) given that it isn't out yet, and probably won't be out for another two years.

...Hell, we're still waiting on GT4 Portable (on the PSP)...

As far as drifting goes, you're in a completely separate community there. There are lots of folks who do the online drifting thing, and it just isn't me. Sure, I'll swing the tail out a bit when I want to show off, but I neither enjoy it in real life, nor in the game.

Most of the tips are likely going to be on, and I assume many of the fan-sites have plenty of information as well.

Me? I'm all about building "odd" B-class and A-class racers to one-up the "standard" Evolution and STi models you see all the time.
I defected years ago with the first Forza, and I really haven't looked back. Sure, GT4 was a pretty good game in itself, but it wore out quickly for me, and I pretty much stopped at 70 or so percent. I think the lack of online play (that is, "true" online play) is what killed it.

In all, Forza 2 has fairly clear faults by comparison to the GT-series, but on the same note, GT has a lot to learn from Forza as well. I'd personally consider Forza 2 ahead of GT4, but we really can't compare anything to GT5 (as one n00b attempted to do earlier) given that it isn't out yet, and probably won't be out for another two years.

...Hell, we're still waiting on GT4 Portable (on the PSP)...

Surely that wasn't directed towards me. Before FM2 came out all I heard from fanboys was that it would be a GT killer. From the GT5 preview alone i will say that is untrue. Comparing GT4 to FM2 they are pretty equal. Turn10 needs to realize that its better to have quality instead of quantity. The game just plain looks and feels like it was rushed. It's fun, but i wouldn't buy a 360 JUST for FM2, especially with all the problems 360 has at the moment.
I bought the Xbox only for Forza 2.
Having been a GT fan since 2001, I was a bit disappointed by GT4 and after more than 2 years playing it I felt I needed something new.
Problem is : there is nothing else than Forza 2 ATM.
GT5 will be the only reason why I'll ever buy a PS3, and it's not gonna be released before 2009 (they say end 2008 but you know, you've been expecting the previous GT episodes too).
FM2 is quite good actually. Good enough to keep me busy for a couple of months, perhaps until GT5 is released.
And then the Xbox will go to my kids' room, like the N64 before and the PS2 recently.

It sucks, but that's rather common. I've been playing a lot over the past 2 weeks, and it happens as often as you say, 2 or 3 times a day.
Remember, that's made by M$.

As for defecting, well I'm not loyal to any particular game, I'm loyal to racing games. So if GT is better, I play GT, if FM is better I play FM. As simple as that.

Don't have to wait too long...Gt5 prolouge out in ps stores this october...have fun with fm2 till then....then upgrade to true next gen.
Surely that wasn't directed towards me. Before FM2 came out all I heard from fanboys was that it would be a GT killer. From the GT5 preview alone i will say that is untrue. Comparing GT4 to FM2 they are pretty equal. Turn10 needs to realize that its better to have quality instead of quantity. The game just plain looks and feels like it was rushed. It's fun, but i wouldn't buy a 360 JUST for FM2, especially with all the problems 360 has at the moment.

Fanboys of what, Forza? Quite honestly, many of them had strong reasons behind their position, and as is the case, they were right. But, with the time gap between GT4 and Forza 2, and furthermore between the current Forza and GT5, none of it really matters.

The games simply won't compete with one another.

Complaints over the quality of the game are in fact warranted, but keep in mind it was delayed several times in the process of development (nowhere near as many times as GT4). Quality issues aside, Turn 10 managed to keep the fun in the game with a significant amount of online racing (something in which Polyphony has dropped the ball on numerous times), not to mention the promised DLC, and a growing community base. Sure, numbers alone, it won't hold a candle to GT, but you're comparing a world-standard franchise to one that for the most part only has a strong footing in North America and Europe.

Simply put, Forza 2 is the king of the racing hill as of now. In two years time, I'm sure GT5 won't have any problem taking that crown away. But, until we actually have a "real" (ie, not "Prologue") GT5 on our hands, that just can't happen.
Fm2 is bearly the "king" at the moment. Once GT5 comes out, Turn10 wont be able to touch anything with the limited diskspace after GT5 is out.
Oh well, have fun with your new game.
And good luck getting your Xbox fixed Ske.
Wait, did I not just say that?

I'm sure GT5 won't have any problem taking that crown away. But, until we actually have a "real" (ie, not "Prologue") GT5 on our hands, that just can't happen.


Fanboyism completely placed to one side (keep in mind, I love both games), you've got two years, probably, until GT5 is sitting on a shelf. By that time, we're practically going to be on Forza 3, and God knows what that will be like.
Wait, did I not just say that?
No, what you said was, when GT5 came out it will be better than FM2. But I said when it comes out, i really dont think anything Turn10 develops for the xbox will be able to touch it. Period. Seeing how 360 is limited to what, like 8 gigs MAX for dvd while GT5+ will be based on Blueray which holds a minimum of 25 gigs for a single layer disk. That alone leaves TONS of room for QUALITY work. Yes, it might take a little longer to develop because *gasp* they have more space to work with. About 3x as much actually.

Fanboyism completely placed to one side (keep in mind, I love both games), you've got two years, probably, until GT5 is sitting on a shelf. By that time, we're practically going to be on Forza 3, and God knows what that will be like.
Fanboyism, no. i would rather play a game that is more geared towards Quality, rather than "Lets see how many Forzas we can make while GT is being made." I have played FM1 and FM2, and I feel not much has really changed. Things are slightly better, but nothing that I am thrilled about to be honest. Plus the fact that M$ is all uptight about not being able to share wheels that are made for Pc/PS2 that are TONS better than what M$ can come up with.
I'd still rather have something for the next 2-3 years... as per usual for PSx games, the PAL release will be at least another 6 months after the NA release. Now that's 2 years from now, at least.. I too want a quality product... but I don't have the patience to twiddle my thumbs for 2+ years waiting for it.

That's my whole point... I'd rather have GT5 than forza 2, but forza exists and GT5 just doesn't. Oh and did I mention that the PS3 is more than $1000 over here with no plans of a dropping the price?
Nice to see you are still around Ske, I miss watching your amazing drifting skills in GT4. Can't wait to see what you can do in Forza. :D

I feel the same way as you, I would much rather play GT5 than Forza 2. Like you say it is going to be more than 2 years off and here the PS3 costs nearly twice the amount of a 360. :ouch:

I am thinking of buying a 360 and Forza 2 sometime soon, I have the first one which I enjoyed so I am sure I will enjoy the second. Plus there are a lot of other games I wouldn't mind playing. 👍
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