• Thread starter pmallard


Geezer Racing
United States
High Point,NC
On June 6, 2014 geezer1791
formed the GTP Geezer Club in the GT6 clubs and sports forum. Jerry passed away Nov 25, 2020. We have continued in his forum GT SPORT GEEZER CLUB. We will move to GT 7 in less than a month and will continue to have weekly events Saturday, Sunday mornings as well as Wednesday evenings. Since he is gone now, the GEEZERS will carry on as he would have wanted. This will be the official site for new postings next month.
Pepper Mallard


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If you will be 60 or older in 2022 you are invited to join the Geezer Club. Send a message to: pmallard

We hold regularly scheduled online races (See next message). We race cleanly and competitively but we place the highest value on fellowship, fun and making friends.
We almost all have headsets and enjoy good natured banter before, during and after the races.
If you're looking for fun racing with a group that understands what you're talking about, give us a try.

PSN ID of other Geezer Club Members:

Official Nurse & Honorary Member : @WhoosierGirl
Official Tuner & Honorary Member : @SW__10
Official Bionic Geezer Racer : @Daduce1947

wauk-azoo, stewyripper , mots63, zona99, gbo-possum, p_o_c_o_l_o_c_o, jw245732, dlone47, WheelerTurner, pepper_mallard, paulmariner9, SCClockDr-GT5, Rock-n-Soul , karter995, skypilotrv4, pharlap7, P-Wiink, matilda1234, lionfan58, golf98, bobby2227, oldboy1943, old_geezzer, elgcee42, Xposed2Play, gjohn3707, daduce1947, Qship, Ema-Nymton, Hairy-Dave, ukmalb, JotaFDuarte
ANFD, CHROMO13, fun-at-sixty, macdog54, mamann10, Whiteford48, MastrGT, Nail-27, ozirules12, Fanapryde, nosoks, thlogan, GTsail2, Toppy_JOE, RAYCELYNE, RICKB5347, nordschleife1951, BawlmerBoy, imjimeez44, Oslaf510, FLYING_LOW56, HAYBALEKILLER, GZR_JRCRUISER,
cheeves1956, bgeezah, Valkyrie-mkd, JUPITER1955, GrandpaRocket, jab_2, Wolf-Dieter_GTRP, Geschimmel, TheGodfather53, Racin510_s, legger27, acenbrone, jab1362, calveron, SterlingMoose, slo2know, serialf, GTP_DDiamond, buziil, V_FOURMAX, degaro, StevenKeeney RavingBonkers, MacProTX1, gearmeister, GTX_NQX, josborn27, oldphart-JRC, edwt, SteveBeech12, jajo, BrownLotus, wer-pr-mr Postal125, joshmelvette, FuzzWad007, Diver9543, wingit1, Stumps_GTI, sparrowhawk1959, ZOPPO--GT, Revolutionkiter, xptpete, Beer_Snob_JT, Phlano_099, mars_56560, kena884

Geezlings: showmethepuppiz (1/1/21), oldgoat1047 (1/1/22), coryclifford (1/1/35), a estes (???), Mwerte (1/1/4?), Viper al

Last edited: Aug 25, 2020

Other rooms you may like:
Monday Night Racing - Host MasterGT
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We race in "Friends Only" Lobby's. - Please have a headset for necessary communication.

Sun 8:30am EDT (UTC-4) - Lobby Host - EeePee - younger pilots are Welcome
Wed 7:30pm EDT (UTC-4) - Lobby Host - rotating hosts younger pilots are Welcome
Hosts: oldboy1943

Sat 8:30am EDT (UTC-4) - Lobby Host GT-RaceAce - This is a GEEZER ONLY event

Send FR to Room Host along with a message requesting to enter the lobby.

Other lobbies you may like:
Monday Night Racing - Host MasterGT
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Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend., I suspect this Geezer club is mostly older folk like me or just named for its founder?
It was formed to be a place for older pilots 60 or older. Our Sunday and Wednesday night races have folks younger that are responsible racers. See above posts regarding the club.
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It was formed to be a place for older pilots 60 or older. Our Sunday and Wednesday night races have folks younger that are responsible racers. See above posts regarding the club.
It was formed to be a place for older pilots 60 or older. Our Sunday and Wednesday night races have folks younger that are responsible racers. See above posts regarding the club.
Thanks. I'm in my mid 50's so I guess I'm just outside that range. I am retired though so I probably have that in common with some of you folks. ;)

I'm also on the West Coast so those times are too early for me.'s funny though. Some of my best PS friends are from South Carolina, same age group (50's) but are night owls so it works out for me.

Thanks though. Hope you all enjoy the game when it finally arrives. I'm excited for the release myself.
Thanks. I'm in my mid 50's so I guess I'm just outside that range. I am retired though so I probably have that in common with some of you folks. ;)

I'm also on the West Coast so those times are too early for me.'s funny though. Some of my best PS friends are from South Carolina, same age group (50's) but are night owls so it works out for me.

Thanks though. Hope you all enjoy the game when it finally arrives. I'm excited for the release myself.
What about the Wednesday evening races, you can always join us later, we race till around 11:30 pm ET
What about the Wednesday evening races, you can always join us later, we race till around 11:30 pm ET
I appreciate it but that's just about the time I'm hopping on (e.g. 8 PM PST; 11 PM EST). I don't know how my Carolina friends do it to be honest. I'm usually petered out by midnight my time. lol
I’m a Geezer and can’t figure how to quote.
Hahaha, I still don't know how to multi quote, so touche. Maybe I will, I've been iRacing for the past year and don't want to jump back and forth between that and GT7 due to time restraints and fear of messing up the physics motor in my brain (I can't jump between games and be quick like I used too). Since I don't plan to play GT7 on the rig, I'm going to give it a shot with the controller since they seem to be a big upgrade for this new title.

Thanks for the invite!
Thanks. I'm in my mid 50's so I guess I'm just outside that range. I am retired though so I probably have that in common with some of you folks. ;)

I'm also on the West Coast so those times are too early for me.'s funny though. Some of my best PS friends are from South Carolina, same age group (50's) but are night owls so it works out for me.

Thanks though. Hope you all enjoy the game when it finally arrives. I'm excited for the release myself.
Hi ya, I'm an original member, a West Coaster too. Been retired since 2014 so rising early enough to be a part of the club racing has always been a priority. I do understand being retired means we do not have to do anything we don't want to other than go see the doctor when they tell us :) Hanging out with the Geezers is a priority for me, playing the game is secondary. We have a lot of fun just visiting about yesteryear and talking about current times - politics and religion is taboo however - discussing how WE ELDERS WOULD MAKE THINGS BETTER :) Anyway, if you can find time to join us and have a headset perhaps you would have some fun with us.
I always thought the Geezer Club was a great idea. Being a 46 year old dude, I'm way too young but consider myself a geezer because my wrists hurt when I drive on the rig for too long. LOL!

Enjoy, GT7 and I'll be looking for you guys in 14 years. :dopey:
Hi ya SpecMiata, I see you're a Florida guy. We have folks pop in for a race or two and they're welcome. If you can't be with us for the entire racing that's OK. Headsets are best 'cause typing with the wheel or controller is a bummer - unless ya have a keyboard but the interaction via headsets is best. Heck, ya never know ya might find yourself hanging in for another race or two. We do have some of our racers who still have jobs, one of our original members, PepperMallard is still working at 75 and he hangs out and races. If I were still working I couldn't do it BUT I'd have to be with the club for at least some of the racing just for the fun we have talking. The game itself is secondary to the visiting. Anyway, pop in now and then, you might find a group of elders who still enjoy life :)
Turning 51 in 1 month... Please, hang on and wait for me! In 2 weeks time I will get my copy of GT7 running on my Ps4. My nickname is chicco71
Greatings from Italy!
Buongiorno Chicco71,

Several of us may not be around in nine years, so waiting for you doesn't work. You can join us now for the Sunday races that are in the afternoon for you. Look us up at our current forum:
We are now waiting for you!
