GTPlanet Tuning Database Now Available

  • Thread starter Jordan
For most tunes we use the same front and rear tires, but there are those rare occasions where it is usefull to run different tires front to rear. If the option is available in the game, the tuning resource should have it.

Also, any time that the entry form for a tune can follow the same order as the tuning screen in the game, it makes entering the tune that much easier.

Thanks for the continued effort on this. The tuning community can be a bit demanding and detailed, but we are a pretty good resource.
Agreed, on all points. :cheers:
Unless I just overlooked it, I noticed that we don't have a way to delete a resource. I accidentally made a double post while moving tunes over and can't get rid of it. uuhh... sorry and thanks lol.:guilty:
Unless I just overlooked it, I noticed that we don't have a way to delete a resource. I accidentally made a double post while moving tunes over and can't get rid of it. uuhh... sorry and thanks lol.:guilty:
That was a bug, you should now see "Delete Resource" available in the Resource Tools section of your resource's page.
I've noticed a few additions that I like, but the link at the top of the tuning forum is now gone. It seems the only way to access the resources is through someone's profile?

Am I being an idiot, or is there no direct way of getting to the resources front page?

Here's a summary of recent changes, which many of you may have noticed over the past few weeks:
  • PP value is now displayed on tune listing pages.
  • Location of the Tune Type has been moved.
  • Labels have been added to some fields in the Edit Tune page for clarification.
  • All references to the word "Resources" have been changed to "Tunes" throughout the software to prevent confusion.
  • The URL to the Tunes directory and all tunes has been changed to
A link to the Tuning Database is available once again at the top of the GT6 Tuning Forum.

At this time, I am removing the Database from "Beta", as I do not anticipate any further changes to the fields which would jeopardize your data. You may begin adding your tunes in confidence if you want them to be available when the Database is formally announced and fully integrated with GTP.

I love this new tuning database function of gt6, I think its awesome that it gives everyone an easy to build, easy to understand, standard format to post they're tunes.

It would be great to have a function to search specific tuners or have an option for tuners to have they're own garages within the tuning database.

Thanks for this great tool, it has greatly reduced the effort involved when posting tunes to the internet.
Search function isn't working currently. Tried various makes, models, tracks and tyre types - nothing returned in search.
Thanks, this has been fixed.

I love this new tuning database function of gt6, I think its awesome that it gives everyone an easy to build, easy to understand, standard format to post they're tunes.

It would be great to have a function to search specific tuners or have an option for tuners to have they're own garages within the tuning database.

Thanks for this great tool, it has greatly reduced the effort involved when posting tunes to the internet.
Glad you like it!

Each tune a user submits is automatically available on their profile, under the "Tunes" tab. Yours are listed here, for example.

You can also search for tunes by specific users here.
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I have just completed a custom, advanced search tool for the Tuning Database. Heavily inspired by the options on @XS's spreadsheet, the "Tune Finder" lets you use a powerful set of filters to find just the tunes you are looking for. :)

You can now search by:
  • Vehicle Make
  • PP maximum and minimum values
  • Tire
  • Tune Type
  • Tuner (search for users, with username auto-complete functionality)
Tunes are sorted by highest weighted rating. Like other pages across the site, it is fully responsive and compatible with a wide range of mobile devices and tablets. Please do a few searches and let me know if you find any problems.

Click here to try the new Tune Finder!
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The "Max. Speed" field on tunes will now be automatically converted and shown in your local unit of measurement, depending upon the country selected in your account details.

If you do not have a country selected or if you are not signed into your account, the speed will be displayed in the default unit of measurement originally input by the tuner.
I know it's not in beta anymore but I've had the need want to use the tool but keep the tune private. For ex: a specific car to drive in a specific manner but I don't want anyone else to think it's an official tune. I know I can just write it all out like we've been doing for years but I really do love using the tool. I wouldn't be upset if it can't be done but it would be a nice addition I think. Love the work you've already done @Jordan, its an awesome tool.:bowdown:
Glad you are finding it useful, @ImToLegitToQuit. :)

There is currently no mechanism to support the functionality of a "private" tune database, but I can understand how some might want to use it that way and it might come in the future.

Of course, it could also be argued that you could get more benefit by publishing the tune and simply noting that it is a "working draft" in the description, then encouraging comment and feedback in the relevant discussion topic. 👍
I wonder if the future could put in your artwork.relative custom wings

- NOTE : CUSTOM REAR WNG [ WING - mount F (standard)]

[ WING - E (large )]

[ WINGGETS - F (large)]


. HEIGHT = +03

. WIDTH = + 09

- I thank:bowdown::cheers:
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first let me say thank you for all your hard work. I noticed something missing from the data base today. When i open the site the tunes no longer show the owners name.

Is this something new? Am i doing something wrong?

Would really like the option to see who is posting the tunes instead of having to click on everyone. Lets face it we all have a certain driving style which closely matches certain tuners and to be able to see their names is a big help.
first let me say thank you for all your hard work. I noticed something missing from the data base today. When i open the site the tunes no longer show the owners name.

Is this something new? Am i doing something wrong?

Would really like the option to see who is posting the tunes instead of having to click on everyone. Lets face it we all have a certain driving style which closely matches certain tuners and to be able to see their names is a big help.
I agree that it would be easier if there was another line in the main page for the tuner's name, but if you hover your mouse on the icon of the tuner, smaller of the 2 images, it displays the web address of tuner the same way if you hover your mouse on your image in a thread.

Also, if you know the tuner's name, you could do an advanced tune search and just fill in the tuner name.
The Tuner's name should be displayed immediately below the title of each tune. :confused:
The Tuner's name should be displayed immediately below the title of each tune. :confused:
If the tuner includes their name or garage in the Tag Line, then yes it would be, I am not seeing the tuner's name unless I hover on their user icon or go in and read the tune. This is what I see on the desktop, sorry for the bad photo, taken from iPod.
Oh, this was a bug. The name was displayed on the "top-level" Tunes directory page, but then was not displayed when viewing within the GT6 category. I have just fixed it now.
Great Job with the Database @Jordan! It's good to see the full version up and operational, a very handy little tool you have created. I plan on taking full advantage and getting all my tunes moved over as soon as time permits.

Thanks for this outstanding resource!:cheers:
Sorry to be a bit of a critic, but this tool is still just too difficult to use. The order needs to follow the order of the in-game car settings screen.

Summary (PP, Power, Weight, etc.)

And is there any way to have a copy and paste or an auto fill option. It takes me five times longer to post a tune in this tool than it does to post it in my garage. I do not have five times more minutes of game time so it's either stick with my garage or post fewer tunes.
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