improve engine sounds

  • Thread starter Mercury7
[quoteI have t"TakeshiSkunk, post: 9237527, member: 120696"]Yeah it was enough to make me come around, I'm officially upset about engine sounds now haha[/quote]
Yeah it was enough to make me come around, I'm officially upset about engine sounds now haha
Well it looks lik
There's a problem on tires sounds aswell. They are so loud than on some cars, we don't even hear the engine.
Agree i
The thread title needs minor work, too
[quoteI have t"TakeshiSkunk, post: 9237527, member: 120696"]Yeah it was enough to make me come around, I'm officially upset about engine sounds now haha

Well it looks lik

Agree i[/quote]
[quoteI have t"TakeshiSkunk, post: 9237527, member: 120696"]Yeah it was enough to make me come around, I'm officially upset about engine sounds now haha

Well it looks lik

Agree i[/quote]
Amen, I remember playing Toca 2 on the PsOne and that satisfying "GUDOOOOSHH!!" when you rear-ended Plato in his Laguna!!
Good point it does sound like a bath tub especially when using DTS 5.1
they use the same sounds for different cars like its going out of style.. and the worst part to me is the fact that the engine sounds change into completely different sounds when you add exhaust.. a good example of this is the RX7.. semi race exaust sounds like a 2 rotor.. race exaust sounds like a 3 rotor :S really??.. the gallardo sounds like a beefed up V10 at semi racing then when u put full race exhaust u get the same sounds as the ferrari f430 an the f40...
they use the same sounds for different cars like its going out of style.. and the worst part to me is the fact that the engine sounds change into completely different sounds when you add exhaust.. a good example of this is the RX7.. semi race exaust sounds like a 2 rotor.. race exaust sounds like a 3 rotor :S really??.. the gallardo sounds like a beefed up V10 at semi racing then when u put full race exhaust u get the same sounds as the ferrari f430 an the f40...
If u youse surround sound DTS 5.1 its really easy to point out the engine sound problems
It does get disappointing when you see all the hoopla they make in the behind the scenes of GT series games engine, interior, driving, revving...But they ALL sound the same. Less money on advertising and more on PRODUCT!!!
I wish that engines could sound better some cars are OK and some sound like a vaccum cleaner. wow when I put this up I had no idea this many people agreed about the engine sounds,by the way some of the engines sound so fraud I wonder where they recorded it from.
Whenever i'm racing, all of the cars sound the same and its just so unrealistic. I want to hear all different sounds coming from each car.
As a few people already noticed I think one of the major issue regarding engine sounds is their "dissipation" or source...

when you race on bumper/hood cam and get close to a car the exhaust sounds are actually pretty good (and you hear them louder than your own car, that's another problem) but as you get 10m away you don't hear anything anymore...
in the replays you don't hear anything (even with sounds pushed to 150 and no music) because cameras are just a little bit far from cars on track... if you've ever been to a race circuit with racing cars you know you can hear them from a mile away !

I don't really know if this as to do with sounds source or dissipation maybe both, but sure PD have some work to do.

(not even mentionning the tyres squeezing...)
...that's right that the sound of the engines are really too smooth :grumpy:!! tit would be better to update the sound of the premium car (at minimum) ...because i don't know if it's a long or short work to do ??, when i play project car or shift 2 , the sounds are really '' immersives'' compare to GT6 ... they kill me on each race because they are so aggresive !!:drool:
To be honest I completely agree with all of the above mentioned things, but on the side note they have around about 500-800 cars to record to ( Not mentioning the duplicated cars like miata's, skyline's or others ) so it will take a lot of time and effort to the series. As to the article released on 14th of June 2013 regarding sound, it is said that they've gone trough a new way of "generating" engine sounds and they hope to release it in coming months. This is how they are trying to simulate sound I'm not a 100% sure that this will drastically change the whole sounding system but this could be a big change and overhaul to the sounding department. The chances are that this could be carried over to GT7, but this will also make a lot of fans dissapointed in GT6. I hope the team takes this issue in concern and really work on it, ( it was acceptable till GT4 ) but if this is carried over to GT7 then I will also start losing hope in this series. I know how limited the ps3's hardware is but there's no excuse into the sound department, people need to start realizing this ( for me this is still acceptable but for the next gen it won't be ).
I was going to speculate as to how they could go wrong with so many engine sounds, like guessing that they didn't check the audio until they got back to the studio, then realized it was garbage and un useable so they had to improvise...but thats just speculation. Instead I'll just ramble based on my experience in sound design and audio production.

First they should identify where things go wrong during the recording process, or where things go wrong in the sampling / manipulation process. The sounds guys need to go back to the drawing board on this issue.

Perhaps they should take a page from the Need for Speed series approach to audio, in which they record an entire RPM range of a car (under full load), then half throttle through the rpm's, then light, and then mix between the layers on the fly depending on how much you apply the throttle. I'd volunteer to program this myself. Its NOT a hard concept to put in action. They just need to get over the fact that they CANNOT replicate engines based on synthesis, which sounds like they are trying to do, and failing miserably at it. In other words, they need to use longer audio samples, and rely less on adding synthesis techniques to compensate for their poor recordings / samplings of any given engine.

Most of the cars in the game sound like a generic / muffled mid rpm sample, which is then getting pitch shifted up or down based on the users input, hence the vacume cleaner effect. What they STILL FAIL TO REALIZE is that engines are much more dynamic. They don't simply increase pitch. They scream, roar, sputter, click, bang, choke, vibrate based on surface movement, and their character evolves often through the rpm range, like awakening monsters only at specific RPM's. The sound guys need to be recording every car under different loads, both On and OFF the track, and implement the sounds properly. No shortcuts. No BS. If GT7 doesn't deliver epic engine noises later this year / next year, I'll begin to lose faith in the series.
I dont even fire GT6 up any more. That is how bad the sounds are - they now detract fromt he simulation emersion.
Superior physics cannot even overcome the dissapointment.
Replace the generic vacuum cleaner sounds.
The C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7 Corvettes do not sound even remotely like their real counter parts.
When will they get it right? Every other racer out there mock GT because of it's sounds and sounds alone.
You just wonder..maybe GT9 is the game they'll get them right in?
6323, member: 219008"][/quote]
Woops that's what happens I forgot to do my home work on that.
Can they please make Engines sound realistic?

No, they can't. Or they don't want to. If they wanted to, it would be already done, because we keep asking for it since prehistoric ages.
When will they get it right? Every other racer out there mock GT because of it's sounds and sounds alone.
You just wondder..maybe GT9 is the game they'll get them right in?
I use The 5.1 DtsNeo6 code and I constantly have to adjust the volume for the engine sounds in Grid it was fine in Sforza it was fine I can't explain some of the sounds Wind tunnel vaccum Old Atari sounds just a few to describe what I hear
To be honest I completely agree with all of the above mentioned things, but on the side note they have around about 500-800 cars to record to ( Not mentioning the duplicated cars like miata's, skyline's or others ) so it will take a lot of time and effort to the series. As to the article released on 14th of June 2013 regarding sound, it is said that they've gone trough a new way of "generating" engine sounds and they hope to release it in coming months. This is how they are trying to simulate sound I'm not a 100% sure that this will drastically change the whole sounding system but this could be a big change and overhaul to the sounding department. The chances are that this could be carried over to GT7, but this will also make a lot of fans dissapointed in GT6. I hope the team takes this issue in concern and really work on it, ( it was acceptable till GT4 ) but if this is carried over to GT7 then I will also start losing hope in this series. I know how limited the ps3's hardware is but there's no excuse into the sound department, people need to start realizing this ( for me this is still acceptable but for the next gen it won't be ).

Great poin
To be honest I completely agree with all of the above mentioned things, but on the side note they have around about 500-800 cars to record to ( Not mentioning the duplicated cars like miata's, skyline's or others ) so it will take a lot of time and effort to the series. As to the article released on 14th of June 2013 regarding sound, it is said that they've gone trough a new way of "generating" engine sounds and they hope to release it in coming months. This is how they are trying to simulate sound I'm not a 100% sure that this will drastically change the whole sounding system but this could be a big change and overhaul to the sounding department. The chances are that this could be carried over to GT7, but this will also make a lot of fans dissapointed in GT6. I hope the team takes this issue in concern and really work on it, ( it was acceptable till GT4 ) but if this is carried over to GT7 then I will also start losing hope in this series. I know how limited the ps3's hardware is but there's no excuse into the sound department, people need to start realizing this ( for me this is still acceptable but for the next gen it won't be ).

To be honest I completely agree with all of the above mentioned things, but on the side note they have around about 500-800 cars to record to ( Not mentioning the duplicated cars like miata's, skyline's or others ) so it will take a lot of time and effort to the series. As to the article released on 14th of June 2013 regarding sound, it is said that they've gone trough a new way of "generating" engine sounds and they hope to release it in coming months. This is how they are trying to simulate sound I'm not a 100% sure that this will drastically change the whole sounding system but this could be a big change and overhaul to the sounding department. The chances are that this could be carried over to GT7, but this will also make a lot of fans dissapointed in GT6. I hope the team takes this issue in concern and really work on it, ( it was acceptable till GT4 ) but if this is carried over to GT7 then I will also start losing hope in this series. I know how limited the ps3's hardware is but there's no excuse into the sound department, people need to start realizing this ( for me this is still acceptable but for the next gen it won't be ).

Great point when i