Lightweight K-Cup Lake Maggiore Tips and Tricks?

S660 tuned to 400pp without any weight reduction, emphasis on HP, maximum ride height allowed, longer gear setting and you can win - you will overtake the lead lap 5 or 6. Its importand to set traction control to 0 if you are using it, since it really slows you down (in maggiore about 2 seconds or so, 14 seconds in total). Normal difficulty.
edit: you can check the @praiano63 tune for the Honda and work from there
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I used the Beat as it was the only eligible car I had. The race is a bit silly because the top 3 AI finished something like a minute ahead of the 4th AI, so the purpose of all the AIs besides the top 3 is just to block you while the top 3 open up a gap. So you need to be aggressive getting past them as you can't afford to be driving at their crazily slow speed.

I just did a very basic build / tune of the car, but I didn't win by a huge amount (hard difficulty). I was much better than the AI under braking, so it might be better to not upgrade the brakes and use the PP on power or weight saving instead, to have an acceleration and / or speed advantage so it's easier to pass the AI on the straights.
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I did it in the Cappuchino, tuned to 400pp as well (hard difficulty). It took a few tries. Focus on HP, not downforce, although I think I did use CS tires though as CM and CH are pretty tough to drive on. I also shortened up the max speed on the racing transmission so I could keep up with the AI coming out of corners. I just kept reducing the top speed slider until I hit redline in 5th on the main straight. I don't know enough about tranny tuning to individually mess with the gears. I am by no means a great driver as I haven't golded all of the S licenses yet, nor all of the track's.
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I did it in a S660 tuned up to 399.98 PP; comfort softs, aero parts and max downforce front and rear, usual lowered suspension with 2.0F/1.5R camber, medium turbo, sports exhaust and intake, racing brake pads, and full control computer with a few ticks down on the power adjuster. Won by like 15-30 seconds.
I did it in a S660 tuned up to 399.98 PP; comfort softs, aero parts and max downforce front and rear, usual lowered suspension with 2.0F/1.5R camber, medium turbo, sports exhaust and intake, racing brake pads, and full control computer with a few ticks down on the power adjuster. Won by like 15-30 seconds.
Can you post the exact settings? I keep coming in 4th and losing by a second. Pretty annoying.
Can you post the exact settings? I keep coming in 4th and losing by a second. Pretty annoying.
I'm not going to be in front of GT7 for a while, so no, sorry. Is your TCS setting at 0? It kinda needs to be.
I used the Beat, with an emphasis on tuning the transmission top speed down to make sure I wasn't leaving any speed on the table. i.e. for Tokyo, tuned it to 180km/h, otherwise I found myself wanting for top speed that I was never going to use. That was the biggest change I noticed that improved my results.
Copy-paste my response from another thread:

I used the cappuccino and there are a couple of tips:
1. Make an SUV out of it- max the ride height, that should give you a bunch of pp to play around with. You can lower other suspension values as well to get more pp
2. I shouldn't have done any weight reduction so I went with +200kg. That allows you to get more hp
3. Last 2 races you need top speed so take off all the downforce
4. First 2 races, make the transmission as short as possible, Tokyo you need to make it longer
5. MOST IMPORTANT TIP: you MUST set traction control to 0. Having any traction control, even 1, will completely kill your acceleration.

This makes the menu a breeze
This race was pretty easy, only difficulty was that I didn't know the layout at all. Took three tries.

Did it in the S660 with CS, comp suspension, roll bars at 6, front camber at 1.5deg and, race intake, header, and exhaust. 76hp, 387PP. Nothing special at all.

Just make sure you keep your momentum up, and drive clean. I took 'em by a lap without too much issue. Coming through the uphill right last corner you should be flat out while they're hitting the brakes.
Capucino with low rpm charger,comfort soft and the usual tuning parts (bore up,muffler,brakes etc) did it for me (on normal diff)
that did it. i was using the Beat, but the Capucino is so much better when tuned. i was on Easy just because i hate slow cars and having a more difficult time with them just wasn't my cup of tea. Even on Easy the first few cars were hard, using the Capucino made me win by a lot more...
You have to go with full 400pp limit.
In my case, with the Cappuccino, realised needed all the power I could get, instead of upgraded suspension and that stuff, so low RPM turbo.
I used the Cappuccino… I didn’t even tune the car bud… CS tires… medium turbo, racing brake pads, custom suspension (didn’t even touch a setting) sports exhaust, racing air intake, and racing inter cooler, twin clutch!
I added Nitrous to make it a bit more bearable,its great for those moments when you overcook things.Just dont use on corner exits........... :lol:
I meant to add that you cant use it on Lake Maggiore but you can on the other 2 races,sorry.
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I used the Cap' at 400pp. Took a couple of attempts, but I'd say the trick was to expand the racing line a little bit. Made a lot of ground by not going as wide into turn 1 as they did, taking a really wide line into the downhill left hand hairpin to get on the power early, stay really wide on the last corner to apex late and just keep that momentum up.
I did it in the Copen with a few sport level parts added for a very mild tune. I found the key to winning to be not so much the tune, but figuring out exactly how much to brake, and where. Brake harder then you think on the first corner, barely at all on the second and just a quick stab of the pedal on the final one. I drafted as much as possible, whether it gained me anything I'm not entirely sure.

And as MatskiMonk said, widen the course
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I think the trick is to get a good bit of speed onto the start/finish straight and like @MatskiMonk says take a tighter line into the first corner.I then did it 4 more times before i managed to get CRB,seems to be too much over the line and its gone.All good though,quite a fun 3 races i think.
"didn't even tune the car", proceeds to list parts that they changed, therefor they indeed did tune the car.
Yes I upgraded the car performance parts but I didn’t actually tune the cars suspension or fine tune the PP… I didn't buy body kits or use any aero… So yea I upgraded the cars performance parts but never touched a settings…. If you look at the best tuners my friend they don’t just buy upgrades for a car and tell everyone.. yea I have a killer tune… they actually tweak the car in pretty much every aspect…
Took me a few tries to do with my S660, but finally won on the fifth try on the second to last corner by divebombing up the inside and snagging first in an awesome overtake that would make Plato proud.
What I did, is used a heavily-tuned Honda Beat with pretty much every part installed - including a medium-RPM turbo, a widebody, and aero parts - and then tinkered with the power/weight settings to get it just below 400 PP. But all I did after that was change the top speed from the stock 170 kph to just 140. I only had the top speed changed for this particular race at Maggiore, and I changed it back to 170 after; you'll definitely want a higher top speed for the race in Tokyo.
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