Mission 13 - Opera Paris Peugeot 206 rally

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Spent a while learning the track & once I started driving it hard I came within 1 sec or less several times, unfortunatly I haven't made a clean run yet, 1 penalty on each of those runs killed me.

It's a nurotic course, some corners are faster sliding thru them & some are faster slow in fast out.

I only have this one & mission 34 left in the missions.
Too late to finish this one up tonight, gotta work tomorrow.
I got thru it with no penalties & won by 2.5 sec!👍
In the missions I only have Mission 34 left & I'm no ringmeister!
Looks like I'm going to have to put in a lot of practice!
This was a frustrating Mission, but finally got it by 1.691 sec.

I kept restarting if the first sector didn't go well - at one point I recorded a gap of 8.227 sec at the second time check - it was a screaming opening, only to be messed up with a 5 sec penalty - but I got the first Red car way before the Chicane - it can be done. Then I caught both the next two at the end of the long straight before the complex preceding the start-finish. It was at the hairpin that I go the penalty.

THEN I realized that even if the opening sector is not perfect, you can rapidly gain ground on the second and lead cars - moral of the story - don't bail out too early.

This is a rally car and must b driven with agression, but not too much. The Peugot does better if driven harder, use the engine to brake before corners to stabilize the tail before braking with the brakes.

Also, the suggested gearing is too high in two sections, you are better off using 1st (instead of 2nd) at the hairpin and at the second (left hander) in the complex after the long straight before the start-finish line if you are passing the AI cars on the inside - it gives you better acceleration.

This is all about keeping the pace up around the corners, keep the momentum going, and in this case the drifting does help, bleeding less speed than braking too heavily.

Have fun!

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Take wide lines, and use every inch of road possible.
-Don't be afraid if the car gets a little sideways; it's a rally car, so it likes it :)
-On the last lap, take a straight line to the finish. The AI still cuts back towards the pit-wall, so this will let you make up a couple tenths.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
This mission and 18 (only need mission 34 now) were the worst for me. I agree with dattwell though that you don't need to restart if your split time isn't perfect, as long as you run very well the rest of the mission.

Sliding in this mission eats valuable time. Mild tire squeel is ok, but full sliding I'd avoid. I'd also suggest keeping this car in a higher gear than you might normally. It seems to have good torque at low RPM. I found that shifting at lower RPMs gave me improved speed, but maybe it was just me. /shrug
finally done it 4'36.636 +1.320 took 1 1/2hrs, what my prob was is the first right- left- right, i was camming out to hot and sliding wide, so i slow'd a little more for the first right which sets the left up for a nice line to the right. also missing the curb on the left, which kicks the car out of line.
ive just got superbird, nurb and the monte carlo ones to do...
edit:Yeah before i just today play'd it and found i didnt save....
did it again 4'35.215 by +4.466
Achieved this one with 0.1sec to spare, just overtook the Focus on the finish line. Enjoyable Mission that has to be driven hard. Sneak on the inside of competiters with a slight nudge, outbreaking them at the turns just avoiding tjhe penalty.
One of the most enjoyable Missions in GT4 although not difficult to win if you know the course. I like it because it has lots of turns plus lots of upshifting and downshifting which makes for great racing sounds. I haven't discovered any cheats unless you consider bouncing off walls a cheat.

This is a steady race and as long as you don't make any serious mistakes, you should win by a good margin. My strategy was to draft cars and brake deeper into turns to get by them. The chicane is a fine place to make up time. Be careful of not going too fast on that long left-hand sweeper or you'll smack the barrier and get a penalty (I almost did) :lol: .

The Peugeot Rally Car is very nice to drive and you can slide the tail out if you want to. The gears and tires are very suitable for the course. A good beginner's practice course. Watch the sample video and go for it (NTSC, DS2, MT):
i guess it took me about 30 minutes to pass it. i nearly did it one time but i was right behind 1st when he tapped his brakes at the exit of the last corner. i lost by .144 :?

the first chicane and the hairpin going into the last serires of corners were my best passing places.
Thanks for the vid Sirberra... this mission's been my torment the last few days. I was getting into a rhythm with it and finally got my lap times where they needed to be but was getting too tired to string three of them together. It's taken me a long time to get a feel for the right-left before the hairpin at the top of the course and the fast bend between the straights, but I'm still wildly inconsistent from the starting line to the first checkpoint.

I would have guessed that would be the easier part since it is easier to reset/repeat, but the quick resets might be throwing off my timing and attitude more than it's worth.

Edit 5/5 - FINALLY SUCCESS! Drove two of my best laps - passed into 5th before the chicane, into 3rd at the hairpin following the straights, and was less than a second behind after the second lap. Of course then I began to panic and drive loosely and almost blew it - passed him just after the straights, but was repassed when I went too wide on one turn - had to take him in the final bend
Ahh now this mission is why I love Gran Turismo...you know you can beat it easily but little mistakes keep getting in the way!

I found the best way was to just tap the brakes coming into a lot of the corners then get straight back on the power...DRIVE IT LIKE A RALLY CAR...That advice I got from the start of this thread and it is the best I can pass on. For me wheelspin wasn't too detrimental in this mission as the 4WD 206 makes it tough to get round using normal racing techniques. At the start I was having real problems with turn 4; couldn't get my braking right. Then I discovered you can actually get away with braking quite hard and still not lose speed to the car in front.

My best first sector gap was about 8.6 seconds but unfortunately that was one of the many where I lost it slightly at some point in the race and hit the wall.

In the end I got through with a time of 4'36"355; passed the Focus at the tight hairpin before the final few corners. I know I could do better in terms of time (My first sector gap was only 9.3 seconds in that run) but I'm giving it a rest for now before I smash up any more of my room! :D
how can you make this car (pug 206) actually slide? it is very obvious that you need sliding in most corners in order to keep momentum but how? i can only slide properly in the final corner which is a rather fast 180-degree one. but in slower corners the car just understeers and loses speed. i wish i could slide it in the opera hairpin but it just doesn't react to typical provocations. it's a 4wd and the techniqie needed to slide it is probably very different to the technique i used in M12 with reardrive ford gt where you could adjust your line with the throttle almost as much as with the steering. someone said that you should brake less and then hit power - but excessive speed only causes understeer. and if you hit the throttle while cornering in a slow corner there is no helping oversteer - just speed-eating understeer...
You have to walk the fine line between oversteer and understeer...that is, 4-wheel drift. This car can be tossed around pretty hard without tripping the ASM. You can also attack the corners very aggressively without losing speed.
btw, chasing AI cars i noticed by their rear lights that they brake twice before each corner - a short dab on brakes at the start of the braking zone and then another longer braking right on entry. is this technique efficient for a human driver?
Not really. You can use the brakes to pitch the rear end around as you're going through the corner, though.
damn it's so easy to kick the pug into a helpful oversteer using the handbrake in tight corners! the only problem is that i cant hit the handbrake button properly on the wheel when cornering. i'm trying to crack this mission for 4 weekends now and still in vain. my best attempt was -0.100 from the leading focus. the mission really learns you how to tackle corners and any error is a failure
btw, during those 4 weekends i noticed that being drunk when playing usually yelds a better lap time than when i'm sober :-)
finally i've beaten it. the cars' speed here is weird. slightest difference in the gap at the second checkpoint of the final lap makes for a win or a failure. when i'm just a bit slower i cant even get close to the focus tail through the final sequence of corners although i go through it much faster than AI cars because i slide there a lot. when i was just A BIT faster (and didn't make mistakes) i overtook the focus on braking after the long straight and crossed the finish line full 4 seconds ahead of him! (and that's despite obviously using the wrong line in the corner at the end of the straight and thus losing time).

the key to this mission is to know where sliding can bring you gains in time and where it just wastes your time. i found it's good (and very pleasing) to slide in the corner after the first straight (putting the car into a slide by hitting the brakes and turning left simultaneously, then agressively clipping the inside kerb in a 4-wheel drift, then mashing the throttle to kill the slide by forward motion). another slide-friendly place is a right-left sequence before the opera hairpin. in the first (right) corner i trail-brake (braking and turning the wheel simultaneously, but with lesser agression than before). it induces a pronounced oversteer and if you catch it promptly with an opposite lock the car stabilizes. but if your opp-lock is a bit more than needed the car's tail flicks from one slide into another (some drivers call it a whip), this time the tail swings not left but right - and this positions the car perfectly aiming the apex of the second (left) corner. again, you mash the throttle and rip through the corner. this technique allows you to accelerate up to the 3rd gear before the hairpin and that's positive too because you have to brake harded before the hairpin and it induces a very helpful oversteer there too

sorry for being so talkative but i'm just so excited to have passed this mission. there is certainly something it it's number - M13 :-)
Just passed this mission, and I can't believe it:

I did it in 4:34!!!

I can't believe it, everything just went perfectly. The key was the second lap. I passed the escort at the tight right-hander after the long straight. That was the key because it gave me the whole last lap to catch the Focus. Unbelievably, I passed it in the first set of chicanes on the last lap.

I am stoked.

I will post the official time later. Interesting to compare my time to anyone else that got around 4:34.
This one was pretty cool, I like the 206 rally Car a lot !!

I needed about 10 tries, but handled it in the end with 4 or 5 seconds at lead.

Thanks to this mission I've started doing fast in and slow out ;)
I've done several 1000 Miles & Pan-Euro races at Opera, so this one took me maybe 10 tries to nail. 👍
Well, I wouldn't begin to say I crushed the other cars, but I did finally manage to pass this one after yet another 45-minute attempt. I don't know if it's just that I don't know how to drive the track, or the car, but it was tough for me, and not very clean at all.

I could never get around the Citroen until the plaza chicane. Then I was reeling in the Mitsu and Toyota. Occasionally I could pass the Mitsu under braking at the end of the back straight, but more likely I had to use that to close the gap and then bull my way inside at the hairpin near the end of Lap 1. I then passed the Toyota under braking for Turn 1, just past the S/F line. It usually took most of Lap 2 to catch the Escort; I'd pass him at about the same place I passed the Mitsu. That left Lap 3 to finally go after the Focus, who I passed under braking after the back straight.

My final margin was about +3.xxx". There was contact for most passes, but no penalties.
Ok I've been playing for years, have some real race schooling and experience so read this if your struggling with mission 13.

1. Do not "RALLY" drive the car the manner in which you may think. Instead think of it as rotating the car, and creating that perfect balance of grip and exit speed. This is 4wd, you need to get the front tires hooked up!!

2. Hit your marks: Paris is nice because it has very visable cue's for where you need to brake. Get the car slowed down, get to the aprin hit your apex and explode off the corners. I see so much hard late braking which leads to to much under/oversteer and wasted time.

3. Go slower: Sounds silly but if you go slower with a higher focus on the procedure and exit speed, you will go faster. the majority of you are struggling because you are overdriving the car.

Last night i went back for giggles and did a 4:32 dead. I don't know how to post the video but a guy on youtube did a 4:30:6 using the wheel. His line is also just about perfect although he does a lot of Brake/throtel which you would never want to do in a real car.

Hope it helps
Ok. I am not getting the first sector down low enough. Question. First turn right immediately after the start, do you need to touch you brakes or is it just a matter of letting of the gas. I can get the first sector down to 10.5 behind. Occassionaly I can get passed the Xsara in the first chicane, but never have enough to get passed before. I know its all about correct line, but isn't that where all the rubber is on the road. You know, where everyone else rides, or do I have to find another line?
Thanks for your help.

Edit. Just beaten the thing. Have no idea how. But if you take a thousand players to do this I would be last. Not the best definately. But if you are struggling with this, keep going. I think overall it took me 10 hours of trying. As Parnelli Bone pointed out, I struggle because I am learning the tracks as I do the missions. For some of you thats not good. But I have OCD, and don't quit. I pick a mission and stick with it till its done. My biggest problem was reading others success and finding out I was slower in the first section.
Anyway, on my winning run, my first split was +10.070. I just manged to muscle past the Xsara in the first turn to the chicane. Ran wide coming into the second part and tapped the wall on the out. No penalty, second split was +8.798. Now when I have been doing it before, anything less than 9.3 seconds and I knew I had no chance of passing the 4th car before the start. Others may, but not me, so this time I thought go for it. Passed the Mitsu on the left turn on hit the wall, no penalty, slight boxing match but no problems. Lap split +6.539.
Muscled the Toyota with a love kiss on the first turn after the start line, next split, +5.499, next +4.505, lent on the Escort at the kink on the long straight. Be careful, if you force him in to the armco he'll bounce back at you. Last lap split, +2.384, +1.814 for the next, and +0.754 on the back staight, late braked him and took first on the first right hander, first time I had overtaken him, and from then on, gentle but steady. Winning time 4.36.320 AI time 4.38.000 Winning margin 1.68 seconds.
The reason I wrote it like this is for people who watch Mick777, Daan's and Sirberra's video's. It's always nice to see how they do it, but in reality use mere mortals know we haven't got a snowballs chance in hell to win like that. I am at best, mediocre(?) so for those just learning, like me, don't give up hope. We'll get there. Only 18 and 34 to do :)
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And then there were two. Just completed this baby. As all previous posts mentioned. Very tough. MOV .17. Now just 15 and the dreaded 34 to go. Made harder because I started using MT. Parnelli Bone shamed me into doing it. LOL. After 2 days of practice I don't even think about the shifting anymore.
I think the key here, is to keep your braking under check. Brake early, get the traction out faster than those cars, and by the next corner, you should be able to overtake the target.

I completed this mission about a week or so ago. I think i won by 10 secs.
I L-O-V-E this mission. The track is the technical kind, just the way I ike it. Of course I won. But it did take a while. The slippery nature of this track really threw me off on the 3rd turn.