proof people are cheating in online races

  • Thread starter gskrt3000
this is from a replay i saved at nurburgring ,i was suspicious how fast this guy was ,thats why i saved replay ;) a snap picture wil say enough look at his speedometer .... didnt know the peugot could do 523 km/u on 10.000 rpm in 6the gear ;)
View attachment 314873this is from a replay i saved at nurburgring ,i was suspicious how fast this guy was ,thats why i saved replay ;) a snap picture wil say enough look at his speedometer .... didnt know the peugot could do 523 km/u on 10.000 rpm in 6the gear ;)

The only thing that you have proven here is that you are quick to jump to conclusions and accuse people of cheating before you have thought things through. As others have said, this is probably just some sort of lag. I don't venture online much, if at all, in GT6 but I've been online enough in GT5 to have seen these types of things happen and 99.99% of the time, it was just lag or glitchyness of the game.
Can you show us the full race? Just so we know he isn't just lagging.
yes i wil upload full video ,dont think his laptime 5.08 and the way he kept the car on track wil be needed to show i'm wrong here ....,a while ago i was in a race on la sarthe driving the 2J on full power ,going flatout 400km/u on long straight ....suddenly a LUPO cup car was passing me ....:odd: also lag or what ...???? lol ,my best lap on ring using the 905 evo is 5.09.244 done in ofline time attack ,got a video posted on youtube from my replay ,look at how smooth you need to be to go that fast and then look at replay from this dude ........;) youtube link my lap (btw i have 2 accounts nu7direct3 is also me ) i wil try uploading the other video in mean time .(need to film replay ,put it on pc upload ) thats why i didnt did that yet.

Btw I do LMP races on nurburgring almost each day ,with some very fast friends in online lobby and offline like my lap shown 5.10 is already a miracle ,but do to same time in online lobby with trafic and prob a bit les grip i never mathed my laptimes i do in offline time attack ,so dont tel me I'm quick to jump to conclusions and accuse people of cheating and didnt have thought things through.I know whats capable and whats not....

Actualy now that i thought this through ...I'm not going to waste the time to upload that video ,believe what you want I didnt saw my speedometer shooting over 500km/u plus on any of my own vidoes so its not worth the effort putting the time to upload it .topic closed for me .
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Actualy now that i thought this through ...I'm not going to waste the time to upload that video ,believe what you want I didnt saw my speedometer shooting over 500km/u plus on any of my own vidoes so its not worth the effort putting the time to upload it .topic closed for me .

Indicated speed != (does not equal) actual speed. Speedometers in games usually (always?) work by capturing a reference point (like wheel rotation) in one logic step and then comparing it to a new reference point in the next logic step. If there is lag, the speedometer script may think that the car has travelled a longer distance than it actually has, or that it has travelled the distance is less time than it actually has. When that happens, the indicated speed is wrong.

If your best lap is 5.09 and his lap was 5.08 it's not a difference that's big enough to indicate cheating. On the Nordschleife it's just an average of 0.05 seconds faster per kilometer.
yes i wil upload full video ,dont think his laptime 5.08 and the way he kept the car on track wil be needed to show i'm wrong here ....,a while ago i was in a race on la sarthe driving the 2J on full power ,going flatout 400km/u on long straight ....suddenly a LUPO cup car was passing me ....:odd: also lag or what ...???? lol ,my best lap on ring using the 905 evo is 5.09.244 done in ofline time attack ,got a video posted on youtube from my replay ,look at how smooth you need to be to go that fast and then look at replay from this dude ........;) youtube link my lap (btw i have 2 accounts nu7direct3 is also me ) i wil try uploading the other video in mean time .(need to film replay ,put it on pc upload ) thats why i didnt did that yet.

He's faster than you. Unless your name is DHolland, there's always someone faster than you:lol:
I'm not going to waste the time to upload that video ,believe what you want I didnt saw my speedometer shooting over 500km/u plus on any of my own vidoes so its not worth the effort putting the time to upload it .topic closed for me .

Like everyone else has said, it's probably lag, especially given that the other player's flag looks Brazilian; I haven't had one smooth experience with a Brazilian player's connection, but what do you expect when you are seperated by thousands of miles. There's also the chance you could have been seeing a different car to what the other player was actually using, it happens a lot these days. You're also dismissing that someone is possibly a second or two faster than you over a distance of +20Km and +100 corners, when I can clearly see you losing time in some places during your 5:10 video.

You got beat, be a man about it, suck it up and do better next time. Really bothers me when people call "Cheat" or "Hacker" rather than applaud somebody for having skill, that's the sign of a sore loser in my opinion.
If you have a replay of his lap, look for where he is losing about 10 seconds in sand traps etc. If he's doing 500kmph, he needs to be driving badly somewhere to be about as slow as you.
ımhaving the same problem on prototype race car battle a r18 guyrecord 1 minute 20 seconds ım sure he using speed hack or something likethat
ımhaving the same problem on prototype race car battle a r18 guyrecord 1 minute 20 seconds ım sure he using speed hack or something likethat
Perhaps he's using the "driving faster than you" hack?

Oh, and...

  • You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
It's not about driving. His acceralation(sic) is better than us mine.
Fixed for you.

Take more care over your future posts. These are written without any care or consideration at all.