Round 22: Suzuka 1000kms

  • Thread starter AJ


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- Event Schedule
- Event Entry List
- Circuit Map


- Sporting Regulations
- Technical Regulations


- Race


- After Qualifying Practice 2

- Qualifying Practice Classification


- Provisional Starting Grid

- Provisional Classification - HOUR 1
- Provisional Classification - HOUR 2
- Provisional Classification - HOUR 3
- Provisional Classification - HOUR 4
- Provisional Classification - HOUR 5

- Race Control Notices

- Provisional Classification
- Provisional Classification by Driver
- Provisional Classification by Driver Fastest Lap
- Stint Analysis by Team
Also seems we need to update the banner image for the top post! GT500 title decider is going to go down to the wire; it should be a cracker.
If there happens to be one of those nasty cones on the chicane, will there be a red flag? @AJ
The Race will be red-flagged, will not be resumed, and the entire field will be asked to evacuate the area immediately for their own safety.
We can't afford to take any chances with those little rodent's.
Going off the schedule for the race, which is 6 hours, then there'll be a minimum of two driver changes, correct? (8.2.c)
As per 8.2.c GT300 will be required to conduct 2 driver changes.
As per August 18 Series Promoter Noticeboard announcement:
"4 - The 4 Hours of Indianapolis will be replaced with 1000kms Suzuka.
5 - Only 1 Driver Change will be mandated for classification at Suzuka for GT500."
#RIPAJ He was a great man, however sadly underestimated the Cone..... we will remember that man, we all knew as AJ.... as that guy that liked writing PENALTY, SCD and GREEN. But most of all, we will remember AJ.... for Cone..... :(
And don't forget...

... it's like finding nemo all over again.

edit: it has now been about 44 hours since I posted this... I don't get the Finding Nemo joke...
edit edit: I GOT IT :D :D:D:D:D:D:D its about the seagulls "mine mine mine" :D and how they are chasing them everything :lol:
Last edited:
Hi everyone!

Most of you probably don't know who I am, but I'm the team leader for Weil Racing Limited, which is/was a team in the GTCup series. AJ had mentioned about an opening for a car for race, so we have taken that seat. The drivers will be John and myself, and we do look forward to racing with all of you. As we've only had a few days to learn the car and the track, we really don't expect to be as competitive as the rest of you lot, but we're still going to give it our all. Don't count us out just yet...maybe after QP1 you can count us out, but not yet. :lol:

Thanks! Here's to some good racing.
--Christopher Weil

Edit: The car is the Raybrig Honda HSV, so that's probably the one you want to avoid... :dunce:
Hi everyone!

Most of you probably don't know who I am, but I'm the team leader for Weil Racing Limited, which is/was a team in the GTCup series. AJ had mentioned about an opening for a car for race, so we have taken that seat. The drivers will be John and myself, and we do look forward to racing with all of you. As we've only had a few days to learn the car and the track, we really don't expect to be as competitive as the rest of you lot, but we're still going to give it our all. Don't count us out just yet...maybe after QP1 you can count us out, but not yet. :lol:

Thanks! Here's to some good racing.
--Christopher Weil

Edit: The car is the Raybrig Honda HSV, so that's probably the one you want to avoid... :dunce:
I myself was given a car and a brand new team to organize in just 2 days before the Motegi 12hrs and we came out 2nd in class.
Put the effort in, and you can still cause a massive upset. Never back down ;) I'll be going for your team in GT500. Can't hate an underdog :)
Put the effort in, and you can still cause a massive upset. Never back down ;) I'll be going for your team in GT500. Can't hate an underdog :)

We were cleared on Wednesday to race, and we only started Wednesday night, so at this point we've only had around 36 hours to really get everything on track. We feel pretty competitive, but at this point in time it's really hard to tell xD

We do plan for a podium finish, and while I don't think a win is possible, it won't keep us from trying! ;)
That felt like a good QP session. Our car is behind as predicted, but we managed to never slow anyone down, which was our main goal.

We'll work on our car for QP2 and see what gains we can make. Thanks!
The following has now been published;


- Event Schedule
- Event Entry List
- Circuit Map


- After Qualifying Practice 2
- Qualifying Practice Classification


- Provisional Starting Grid
- Race Control Notices


- An announcement will be made at the 5 hour mark as to whether the race will be run to 173 Laps or 6 Hours. This is the first time we have tried a distance race. If I am not confident we can call a leader at the 5 hour mark, we will run to time. If we run to time, a further announcement will be made as to whether the race will end under Article 8.1.c or 8.1.d.

- Remember, only one driver change is needed for GT500. Two are needed for GT300. This should help stagger driver change windows.

- GT500 must start their final driver change before the 5 hour mark. As most of you are running 2 man teams, be aware of driving time limits, i.e - start your only drive change before the 4 hour mark.

- GT300 may start their final driver change at any time, however a driver change in the final 10 minutes is not recommended as if you have problems (like SCAR did at L12) and you don't get a driver back on track before the chequered flag (pits closed) you will not be classified.
John and I have been working, and the simple truth is that we cannot get the Honda to be as fast as we would like it to be. It's in a great raceable state now, but we don't really expect any serious results from it. We are continuing to work, however it is unlikely we will be making much more progress than what we already have.
Our goal is just to have a nice clean problem free race, and we hope to have fun among the rest of you! :)
--Christopher Weil

P.S. If anyone wants to send over some setup notes, we wouldn't refuse...

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