Snail Division 2 - February 2022 Season

United States
Fort Worth/Texas
Host: @racingchamp30
Backup Host:

Opens and Manages the lobbies including race start times.

Scorekeeper: @CANOWORMS1
Backup Scorekeeper:

Live scoring, updating the score sheet after each race.

Replay Uploader: @racingchamp30
Backup Replay Uploader:

Upload race replays. Deadline to upload is 8PM EST. (If replays are not uploaded by then, we are subject to lose prizes for that week)

Data Specialist:
Backup Data Specialist:

Enter race details, stats post race and post them to the main thread.

Backup Texter:

Post pertinent messages in the lobby. Also post messages to any non-Snails that join the lobby.

@Kakalaylay (NEP 3)
@Rob Brown
@EvoSpecX (NEP 1)
@JLBowler (HON)
@MajorBlixem (HON)
@Akzl298 (HON)
@llNovall (HON)
@nmcp1 (HON)
@TEX36 (HON)
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Let me know who can cover which duty which is likely the last month we will be racing in GT Sport and see how Snail progresses to GT7 in March. If you have not pre-ordered GT7 yet, i suggest do it as soon as possible since Snail won't take long to go from GT Sport to GT7.
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Hello. I saw some pretty good racing on Sunday, from all parts of the pack; middle, back, front, sometimes in the same race. :D I got disconnected from the server before I was able to check all votes, or maybe some didn't vote. I am missing votes from: @Kakalaylay @EvoSpecX and @Skills If you voted could post it please.

In the past I've been the last person in the lobby, but this time when everyone left I was also bunted. Thankfully I had a photo of the results so I could finish entering positions.

I've not gone through a console or a game change. Looking forward to it. :):cheers::)
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Hello. I saw some pretty good racing on Sunday, from all parts of the pack; middle, back, front, sometimes in the same race. :D I got disconnected from the server before I was able to check all votes, or maybe some didn't vote. I am missing votes from: @Kakalaylay @EvoSpecX and @Skills If you voted could post it please.

In the past I've been the last person in the lobby, but this time when everyone left I was also bunted. Thankfully I had a photo of the results so I could finish entering positions.

I've not gone through a console or a game change. Looking forward to it. :):cheers::)
It is good though that GT7 will also launch on PS4 since so many are having a hard time finding a PS5.
Hello. I saw some pretty good racing on Sunday, from all parts of the pack; middle, back, front, sometimes in the same race. :D I got disconnected from the server before I was able to check all votes, or maybe some didn't vote. I am missing votes from: @Kakalaylay @EvoSpecX and @Skills If you voted could post it please.

In the past I've been the last person in the lobby, but this time when everyone left I was also bunted. Thankfully I had a photo of the results so I could finish entering positions.

I've not gone through a console or a game change. Looking forward to it. :):cheers::)
Voted 3
It would seem there may have been connection issues on Sunday with more than one person. Or at least me, as my replays are somewhat jerky and my session on Sunday ended abruptly, I assume when I became the last one remaining. I didn't have time to get all the votes. @racingchamp30 would it make a difference if you left the lobby open for me? Or did you have no control?

Just a heads up that between races I have my head down entering scores. I understand I received a message after a race that I was unaware of. I've been focusing on time between races and will try to monitor the chat more closely between races. Sorry for that @Kakalaylay.

And another thing: The SF19 has the "Overtake" feature. FYI: to use it, the feature needs to be mapped onto your controller or wheel. I've used it once in Snail at RouteX where we all held it down for the entire race. Question: Can you use it any time? Like a "Don't Overtake" button when you are ahead?

Yee Ha! A car that loses grip the slower you go. Makes letting off when understeering into a corner a losing proposition. :lol:
I had thought that lobby would stay open since setting is on non fixed host. I also clear cache before I open lobby.
Usually it does. Not sure what the issue was on Sunday.
I were checking my network settings through my PS5 system and it shows i have 100% signal strength. The download connection speed on my system ranges from 39.2 to 44.4 Mbps Download and 10.2 Mbps Upload. I already were checking through and check for the option of in game lag or latency with one game it reads as

If that is the case, the issue may be related to that particular game server status.​

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I were checking my network settings through my PS5 system and it shows i have 100% signal strength. The download connection speed on my system ranges from 39.2 to 44.4 Mbps Download and 10.2 Mbps Upload. I already were checking through and check for the option of in game lag or latency with one game it reads as

If that is the case, the issue may be related to that particular game server status.​

That's only part of the equation. Those speeds are suitable but they don't tell the whole story. Latency or ping is the more important part of the equation when dealing with lag. Packet loss is also a contributing factor but that would lead to more serious failures like dropping from the lobby.

I'll say it again. There is no physical game server outside of the individual consoles and connections in a P2P enviroment.
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Great Racing in the Super Formula race 2 on Sunday night @Kakalaylay @IceWarden
I thought we did really well; racing in close proximity. I was completely comfortable with you guys. Was great fun. We would have been in trouble had Warden mapped the overtake button!
Yeah that was some fun with the Lambo (race 1) and F1 (race 2). I did watch your replay with the F1 car and saw how you used it. I thought it was somewhat like the Vision car we used on SSX track where you just hold it for the length of the straight. But it's more a battery type deal that only has so much juice. Looked like it was good for acceleration out of corners onto a straight. You beat us fair and square in the early laps and used it later to set fast laps and pull away. Looked like it was good for 1-1.5 sec on a good run in clean air. So unlikely we could have beat you even if we had used it ;)

Last night was your night...just glad to have beat you in race 1 on your own combo ;) Race 2 was a disaster. It's like I forgot how all the turn in points and brake spots.
I were checking my network settings through my PS5 system and it shows i have 100% signal strength. The download connection speed on my system ranges from 39.2 to 44.4 Mbps Download and 10.2 Mbps Upload. I already were checking through and check for the option of in game lag or latency with one game it reads as

If that is the case, the issue may be related to that particular game server status.​

Nova has similar issues with the group in his series. He shows 2 bars orange to everyone but looks good to himself.
Great Racing in the Super Formula race 2 on Sunday night @Kakalaylay @IceWarden
I thought we did really well; racing in close proximity. I was completely comfortable with you guys. Was great fun. We would have been in trouble had Warden mapped the overtake button!
I enjoyed the last combo allot and yes it was some clean fun racing guys ..thanks 🤘🏼
@Rednose58 @Akzl298
Had to lookup tie breaker rules since @Phlano099 and I each had 2, 2, 2 race night for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. I updated the scoring with 0.1 to Phlano.

In the even that both drivers have identical finishing positions for the six races, the tie will be broken by the finish position in the last race of the night.

Phlano, this is far from over. Consider this a win awarded on technicality! :irked::lol:

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