TTWRS Week 10: Autumn Ride

  • Thread starter Iceman


Staff Emeritus
United States
Wisconsin, USA
Week 10: 7 Star Honda CBR1000RRW Suzuka 8h@ Autumn Ring


Game mode :
Arcade Mode/ Free Run (Hotlap) / Autumn Ring Full

Bike specifications :
7 Star Honda CBR1000RRW Suzuka 8h
  • Power - 0%
  • Weight - -10%
  • Tires: Any Racing Tires
  • Driving Mode: Driver's Option
  • Failure Conditions: Off
  • Riding Form - Driver's Option
Race rules :
  • 1 wheel on track at all time ;
  • rumble strips and all colored areas of pavement/rumble strips are considered part of the track ;
  • no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible ;
  • if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty ;
  • no hybrids ;
  • no cheating of any kind ;
  • nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules ;
  • save your replay ('save best lap' icon).
Thread rules :
The following info cannot be discussed in the thread (they can however be discussed on chats or by other means) :
  • lap time ;
  • any information which can be used to infer lap time.
Submission :
All submissions must be sent to me by PM (Iceman).
  • you can submit only once per race ;
  • please include in your submission PM your division, name and time(s) ;
  • deadline is tuesday 5th September 10 P.M. GMT
Time verification :
Save your replay and keep it at least a full week after the time has been submitted.
  • fastest times each week will be required to submit with verification ;
  • any submitted time is subject to a time verification request ;
  • when a time verification has been required, the concerned racer must provide a replay before next race deadline ;
  • failure to do so will result in the submitted time to be removed for the WRS results and/or GTPlanet Times Database ;
  • video replays are not accepted, .DAT replays via USB drive ARE accepted and are encouraged
Great bike and track! Good thing I finished the game a few weeks ago...
hi all :) i have a t2 of 58.401 now. i have to say, the default set up we're stuck with for this bike in arcade mode is lousy :boggled: :banghead:
After the results are posted for this weeks race I've decided to put this series on hiatus. It seems interest in the game has really died out in the last few weeks :(. Maybe in the future we could get it running again but with only 2-3 racers this week, it just doesn't look like it's worth it to keep going.
Hey Ice,
I wasn't a huge of this week b/c it's arcade mode. I don't like not being able to change more than just a few settings. I see what you mean about people not really into this week. Perhaps we could try just one more week??

After the results are posted for this weeks race I've decided to put this series on hiatus. It seems interest in the game has really died out in the last few weeks :(. Maybe in the future we could get it running again but with only 2-3 racers this week, it just doesn't look like it's worth it to keep going.

Good timing! I'm heading to the Nurburgring on business for a couple weeks, so I have to run a couple races early in another series before I leave.

FWIW, I thought Arcade Mode was OK. Wasn't as taxing on my useless set-up guy. :sly: Actually managed to get under 1'19 when I remembered to lower the weight, after the deadline. :dunce:
i would have more interest, but i am putting my effort in another olr at the current moment. but if it returns maybe after a little break, id be willing to do it again.
Really sorry to see the series closing down, but if there are only 2-3 ppl each week then its only right that ice's time not be spent on this.

I'll look forward to a hopeful return of the TT WRS one day, time will tell, but its been fun with you guys :)
Sometimes I wonder what happened to all those people who bothered to qualify...

Sad to hear that there won't be a weekly race. I haven't posted a time since probably the 3rd week. Just didn't have time to play really. In fact I haven't turned on my PS2 for over a month. I still look at the results though.

I was expecting more people more to join in the race but that never seemed to happen.

Anyway...ICE thanks for organising the races.

PS: maybe we can do adhoc races once every few weeks.
Here's a suggestion for an easy one. Everybody just post your times for the Super License tests & a grand total time. If you've already run them all, you wouldn't even have to play, unless of course you wanted to improve your times. One of the admin types would only have to put the results in order.
I had fun racing this series, so it's too bad there's not a lot of interest. I wasn't able to race every week but I did ran 5 of them. I think there was only 2-3 guys who actually raced every week.

I usually only run TT when I am travelling on the road and away from my DFP and GT4. I like TT but GT4 still takes most of my interest.

Thanks Iceman for doing a great job on this series. If it starts again I will be sure to run the TTWRS as well...