TTWRS Week 2 Results

  • Thread starter Iceman


Staff Emeritus
United States
Wisconsin, USA
Week 2 has come to a close. There was a greater separation of times this week between the divisions, most likely due to a more challenging track and tourist trophy mode. A GREAT turnout from Div2 this week, outnumbering the other divisions combined. Congrats to Tomf4io3 for a great showing this week, nearly taking what would be second place in Div1. Also a grea time from Tailslide who puts in a solid Div 2 Time. See you all next week 👍

Division 1 :
  1. 1'33.705 - Iceman (Verified 👍)
  2. 1'34.430 - 750F-RM
  3. 1'35.941 - wfooshee
Division 2 :
  1. 1'34.456 - Tomf4i03 (Verified 👍)
  2. 1'35.822 - PoliniJake
  3. 1'36.171 - jake73
  4. 1'36.394 - lsmim001
  5. 1'36.743 - NielsG
  6. 1'37.711 - kragbees
  7. 1'38.325 - [empty space]
Division 3 :
  1. 1'36.574 - Tailslide (Verified 👍)
  2. 1'38.271 - SuperT
  3. 1'38.447 - Ballstothewalls
  4. 1'39.217 - NightmareHunter
  5. 1'39.480 - AngelCreator

Submitted Late:
1'34:805 Vermeulen

Replays can be posted in this thread. Times in red must post their replays within 1 week of this post 👍
When I try to upload replay I get error on page, I will try later tonight


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Oops. You've put me up in division 2 Ben. Probably my fault, I think I put division 2 in my submission PM? I've got so used to putting Div 2 for my WRS submissions I probably forgot.

I'll post up my replay later. 👍
sorry for the inconvenience ice... didn't know what the deadline was...

what is the general deadline???

as for the round.. exactly a second off of ice...

time to get back to work... :D
That's all. You transfer the replay from the PC onto the USB drive and then to your memory card where you can play it on your PS2.
Hi Guys,

NielsG asked me if I could post his pal replay cause he is out of town.


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There's some great times there guys, very impressive indeed! 👍
Here's my replay for week 2, see you all at Tzukuba.


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Damn it!

If my fastest save was 1/4 inch cleaner in the first corner I would have beaten you Darren!

Only by .12 of a sec, but would have had you. :grumpy:

Ah well!

There will always be the Ring!(string and muted brass music swells in the background, and the screen fades to black)

Still looking for a verification on my lap and also Tomf4i03's lap. If anyone would be willing to check out those replays it would be much appreciated 👍
Still looking for a verification on my lap and also Tomf4i03's lap. If anyone would be willing to check out those replays it would be much appreciated 👍
ice verified :) nice lap